

The big screen that was installed in the cafe shone. Those who were talking with their friends or drinking coffee couldn't keep their eyes off from the screen.

Everyone was focusing on the screen with excitement and nervousness all over their faces.

The image on the screen was of a battlefield. It was a battlefield filled with countless troops and there was blood everywhere to be seen.

Famous rankers were fighting each other without holding back. The scene was of a guild war.

-The war between Hell's king and the Raven guild is finally here.

-The tensions between these two guilds were well apparent with players of both guilds clashing with each other frequently.

-Oh!! The leader of Hell's fire, Micheal is fighting the guild leader of Raven, Girad.

-I am curious to see who will win between these two.

-Both of them are top rankers.

-It's a battle that will go down in history.

The leaders of both the guilds clashed with each other fiercely. Sparks flew out whenever their weapons clashed and it sents shockwaves across the whole battlefield.

"Give up!! The hell's king guild will be the ultimate winner."

"You can dream of winning. We will shove your asses back to hell."

The narrator on the screen explained who they were in detail.

-A hidden race, half-elf, the master of the magic sword, Gram, a hidden class sought by many, Magic swordsman. This is the leader of Hell's king guild. A genius who was known for his large scale battle tactics and a born commander.

-His real name is Xiao Yun, a Chinese man who goes by the alias of Micheal.

The screen showed a man with long golden hair and a fluttering white cape. He was Xiao Yun, the leader of the Hell's king guild.

The screen then changed to the person he was fighting. He was a man with black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.

-Girad, the user of the only relic grade item in the whole server, Vanchalavs spear. He has the rare class of Berserker and he is known as the 'Spear god' by everyone.

-In reality, he is a married man with two daughters. He is from India and he is known as a doting father.

After the narrator explained both of their identities, the screen focused on their fight.

No one was ready to fall back as they attacked each other with skills and magic. They were both high rankers, so losing would be equally embarrassing for them.

That's why both of them were giving it their all.

At that moment, someone appeared on the screen. It was a user with black armor and a mask covering his face.

His face was hidden by the mask but by looking at his armor, one can tell that he was not a normal player or NPC.

His armor was shining in the sun and he was easily dodging the attacks of users as he swiftly crept closer towards Micheal and Girad.

-He has appeared again.

-Many people suspect that he's an NPC or a hidden character made by the game developers but no one knows the truth about him.

-Everything is unknown.

-He always comes and goes without making any sounds.

-He is nicknamed the 'monarch' by the people.

The masked man slowly came towards the rankers.

"Who are you?"

Both of them stopped their battle and looked at the masked man. He was able to swiftly dodge the attacks going on in the battlefield and come towards them.

He was no ordinary person.

"I am just a random person trying to gain some benefits out of this battle."

"What are you saying? Don't joke with me."

Girad said as he swung his spear towards him but the masked man just dodged his attack. It didn't happen one time but several times.

Girad, the man known as the spear god was not able to touch the masked man. It was shocking news for all the viewers.

"Why can't I hit you?"

"Maybe, you are just too weak."


Girad looked at the masked man with a frustrated expression. At that moment, Micheal saw the chance and attacked the masked man from behind.


"What is this…??"

But out of nowhere, the masked man brought out a sword and blocked his attack. The sword's surface was shining and it was red and black, making it look really exquisite.

Micheal was the user of the magic sword, Gram. No ordinary weapon can block its attack. It can be seen that the sword of the masked man was extraordinary.

Both the sword and the masked man were not ordinary.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. I just want your items."

"Like hell, we would give it to you."

Both Girad and Micheal attacked the masked man together but there were not even able to touch him. It was like the man was invincible.

"Enough playing around."

The masked man said like he was bored. Both the rankers looked at him with shock.

"Sorry, but I have to kill you."

The masked man said as held his sword in his hand. He muttered.

Suddenly, the sword changed form and transformed into a long black bow. The masked man stretched the string of the bow and summoned a big arrow.


The masked man said and pulled the bowstring. The screen instantly became white and sounds of explosions could be heard.

After some time, the masked man appeared alone on the screen. The screen zoomed at him and a faint smile can be seen on his lips.

Everyone inside the cafe was dumbfounded seeing the masked man on the screen as they watched the screen without blinking their eyes.

Amidst those people sitting in the cafe, a voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Go, brother!!"

All the people looked at the girl who has shouted that. She was a cute girl with brown hair and chubby cheeks.

"Xiaomei, do you know him?"

A girl asked pointing at the masked man on the screen. Xiaomei answered without thinking.

"Yes, he's my brother!!"