Chapter 3. Returner (3)

Chapter 3. Returner (3)

"Why were you skipping classes from Monday?"

"I was busy with something."

"What thing is more important than school?"

The reason Lu Fei was called to the female teacher's office was that he was skipping classes.

Standing in the small office, Lu Fei calmly observed the female teacher in front of him. That was one of his habits from the fantasy world.

The female teacher's name was Fang Xue. She was a relatively new teacher that has only come to the school some time ago.

But despite her being new, she has a high amount of popularity among the students, especially the boys.

It was because of her beautiful appearance. It was like someone has mixed both sexiness and cuteness together.

One can even say that God himself has created her with both of his hands.

She was simply that beautiful!!

Although she was new, she has already become a homeroom teacher, it can be seen that she was from no ordinary background.

Lu Fei even guessed that she was from a wealthy background. Ordinary people can't possess this level of beauty.

"What are you staring at? Answer my question honestly, why were you skipping school?"

"I was busy doing part-time jobs."

Lu Fei decided to answer honestly. Lying would not get him anywhere. He was already getting bored standing in the office.

He quickly wanted to go to the classroom and have some sleep. Sleep was necessary for him as he has a night shift in a convenience store tonight.

"You are already in your third year of high school. You should prepare for the university entrance examinations instead of wasting your time doing part-time jobs."

"It's not like I want to get admitted to a university. Graduating from high school is enough for me."

Education was important but Lu Fei was never a bright student and after living in the fantasy world, he was barely able to pass his exams.

In this situation, he can't think of going to a university. It also takes money to enter a university. He would be content if his sister can get admitted into one.

His sister was a bright student unlike him.


Fang Xue didn't think like that. She thought that Lu Fei's attitude was really blunt. That made her angry.

"I have heard rumors about how you were a delinquent and is roaming with the street gangsters. I have not believed in it previously but seeing your attitude, I think the rumors have some credibility to them."

'She's making assumptions now.'

Lu Fei didn't like Fang Xue making assumptions about him. In the first place, most of the rumors about him were false and there was no basis to them.

That's why Lu Fei didn't think much and started to walk to the door.

"Wait! Where are you going? I haven't permitted you to leave till now."

Fang Xue stood up from her seat as she said that.

Lu Fei turned back when he heard that. With calm and peaceful eyes, he looked at Fang Xue and replied.

"I don't think there's a reason for me to stay here when the only thing you are going to do is to believe in rumors."

"Huh? What do you mean? Are the rumors about you false?"

"I don't have a reason to answer you."

Lu Fei left the office without any other thoughts. He was too tired to answer all of Fang Xue's question.

'Have I made a mistake?'

Fang Xue asked herself and a doubt sprouted in her mind when she recalled Lu Fei's calm and clear eyes. They were like a silent lake, deep and charming.

She couldn't help but think that she has made a mistake regarding him. She just wanted to reprimand him to focus on his studies but he has left like that.

The whole day, Fang Xue was thinking about Lu Fei. It was like his eyes had left an imprint on her mind but she couldn't help but think about them.

* * *

After leaving school, Lu Fei headed towards the Forest cafe. He had a shift there today.

He had been working in the cafe for over a year and he has become accustomed to working there. The other staff and the salary were good.

He was also familiar with most of the regulars, making his time enjoyable.

Ring! Ring!

As he was close to the Forest cafe, his cellphone suddenly rang. It was a phone call from his little sister. He picked it up and Lu Xiaomei's voice flowed out from the other side of the phone.


"Xiaomei, what happened?"

-They, they came again.

His sister's voice was of urgency. Lu Fei couldn't help but worry that something has happened

"They? Who?"

Lu Fei stiffened when he heard his sister's next words. It was a shock to him.

-The loan, loan sharks!!

"Where are you? I am coming soon."

-Our house. Come quickly!

He started running towards his house while talking to her on the phone.

"I am coming. They haven't hurt you, right?"

-No, they haven't done anything to me but I am scared…

"Hello, hello."

Before he could say anything else, someone has snatched away the phone from his sister's hand.

Lu Fei quickened his pace towards his house.

It was not totally uncommon for loan sharks to threaten them to pay back the debt but they had never touched his sister before.

This debt was taken by his father who needed money for his business but the business didn't work and the debt kept piling up.

After his parent's death, Lu Fei can waiver the inheritance but he was in the coma and his sister was naive and didn't know much about the law.

The deadline period was of a month and after that month, the debt was inherited by Lu Fei.

The loan sharks have continuously tried to threaten him and Lu Fei hasn't said anything to them but this time, it was a completely different matter.

If they really did something to his sister, then their fate would be inevitable.

'I will kill them!!'

After returning back from the fantasy world, Lu Fei hasn't forgotten the techniques he had learned there. He would not hesitate to take extreme measures against anyone who harmed his sister.

Blood was thicker than water and his sister was the only blood relative he cares for. He will not let anything happen to her.

Lu Fei quickly reached the area that was close to his house. His house was near to the so called 'slum' area.

He didn't have any other choice but to live here as it was the only place he can afford. Although, it was not a good place to live he and his sister were happy there.

As he reached his house, he saw that it was blocked by some black-suited men. They were the loan sharks.


Lu Fei shouted his sister's name as he entered the house. The loan sharks cleared a path for him.

His sister was sitting on the floor with a scared expression on her face. When she saw Lu Fei, she stood up from the floor and hugged him.


There were some tears in her eyes but Lu Fei was not able to find any injury on her face and body. It seems like the loan sharks haven't harmed her.

"Don't worry. I am here now."

Lu Fei ruffled his sister's hair as he silently looked over him. His sister smiled slowly. Her brother was here to protect her now, there was no need for her to worry.

"What a dramatic moment between a brother and a sister straight out from a drama."

The loan sharks laughed seeing the dramatic moment between Lu Fei and his sister.

Especially the one in the middle. That loan shark has a good laugh and considering the situation, and the atmosphere, he was also the leader of the loan sharks.

He had reddish-brown hair and there was a snake tattoo on his neck which was highly distinguishable.

"Why are you all here?"

Lu Fei looked towards the loan sharks. The loan shark's leader answered him.

"Of course, we are here to collect the debt."

"I am already paying the interest."

"Your interest isn't enough for us."

"It's not my fault. The contract is unfair from the start."

Just the interest was 50% of the principal amount per year. In just a year, the total debt has piled up to 10 million dollars.

It was not an amount Lu Fei can pay.

"If you think that the contract is unfair, then go report it to the police."


No matter how unfair the contract was, it was signed by his father and Lu Fei has also inherited it. There was no way police can help him.

Not only police but not even filing a case would do anything. They have to pay back the debt one way or another.

"We are here today for just one thing. We need you to pay back the debt."

"I can't."

"I didn't hear you. What did you just say?"

"I said I can't pay back the debt."

Lu Fei said in a raised voice.

At that moment, a sudden feeling of helplessness seems to engulf Lu Fei. He was so powerless at that moment.

He hated this feeling.

If it was the fantasy world, then Lu Fei can easily make money by fighting on a battlefield but this was earth, there were no battlefields here.

It was a peaceful era and there was no use of a person like Lu Fei who only knows martial arts and survival skills. His skills were useless in this world.

"If you can't pay back the debt, then you should give your sister to us. She is still in the process of ripening but she would be a good meal for some big bosses."

One of the black-suited men said as he crept closer towards Lu Fei and his sister.

It was the man who continuously has his eyes on his sister. He was seeing her with the eyes of a lustful beast. Lu Fei had already seen him checking out his sister, but he has ignored it till now.

"Back off!!"

"What kid? Why are you getting angry over this? You should feel lucky that your sister can satisfy the appetite of some big bosses. Go and thank the heave…"


Before the man can say anything more, he was punched in the gut by Lu Fei. It was a solid punch and the man fell on his knees without any struggle.

He vomited the food out of his mouth as he struggled to even breathe.

"Don't go out of your bounds, kid."

"Yes. Do you want us to teach you a lesson?"

"Let's teach him how one should behave with their elders. He will learn quickly the hard way."

The other black-suited men were angry and enraged when they saw Lu Fei punched the man. They rolled their sleeves as they readied themselves to fight Lu Fei.

Lu Fei was also ready for them. There was no reason to shrink back. He was confident that he would be able to fight it out with the loan sharks and win.

His confidence came from his years of experience as a mercenary in the fantasy world.

"Stop it!! We don't need unnecessary troubles."


"You didn't hear what I said."

The loan sharks shrink back when they saw the glaring eyes of their leader.

The loan shark's leader was closely examining Lu Fei and from that punch, he could perceive that Lu Fei knows some kind of martial arts.

That's why he didn't want to go against him.

"Let's go now."

Lu Fei was prepared for a fight but that didn't happen. Instead, the loan sharks started to leave.

"Listen, kid, we are leaving today but you have to pay back the debt sooner or later."

"I will pay back the debt in some time."

"I hope so too. Anyway, we have other methods to recover the debt."

"What methods?"

The loan shark's leader smiled and said.

"The price of inner organs in the market is slowly rising. I am sure your organs will fetch a great price too."

The black-suited men left after that.

Sob! Sob!

His sister hugged him tightly as she started to cry. She was really scared of the loan sharks, especially the organ talk, in the end, had frightened her.

"Brother, nothing will happen to you, right?"

"Yes, nothing will happen. Don't worry."

Lu Fei assured her and she calmed down. He has never told a lie in front of her. If he said he would be alright, then he will surely be alright.

'The question is how can I earn money faster?'

The main problem was of money here and Lu Fei can see that the loan sharks would not wait much longer. He has to find a quick way to earn money or he can only sell his organs.

Suddenly, he remembered listening to something on the TV.

"There was a reason Ark is said to be both fair and unfair. It is a game where anything can happen. There is not just one case where Ark has changed the lives of people. It is the place where one can get rich if one has the skill and luck."

Skill and luck!!

Lu Fei didn't know about luck but he was confident of his skill. He was sad earlier because there was no battlefield on earth where he can earn money.

But he never realized that the battlefield was right in front of him.

The battlefield was 'Ark'.

He had heard of people earning millions in the game. Can't he do the same? No matter how realistic it is, it was a game in the end.

Lu Fei was sure he can come out alive from this battlefield.