Chapter 5. Olympus store (2)

Chapter 5. Olympus store (2)

'Maybe I should just focus on part-time jobs?'

That thought flashed through Lu Fei's mind when he saw the employee swiping his card. He felt a stabbing feeling in his heart seeing the money going away.

It was 2500 dollars, it was not a small amount at all. It was a huge amount for him.

'I can buy many dresses for my sister with that much money.'

His sister never had many clothes, even the clothes she had were old and stitched. Lu Fei wanted her to buy some dresses for her but she will always refuse, saying that Lu Fei should buy himself clothes first.

What a kind sister she was!!

"Sir, the contract is now finished."

Lu Fei came out of his thoughts when the employee handed him a copy of the contract. The contract was now finished and Lu Fei was officially the owner of a level 1 neuro gear.

There was no going back now.

'I will have to give it my all in Ark and earn money to repay the debt.'

Lu Fei made a vow in his heart, a vow to become rich and give his sister a good life. He also has to repay people like Zhao Na who has helped him a lot.

"Sir, Will you set the settings yourself or do you want our programmer to do it?"

The employee asked.

To play in the VR world, one needed to set the basic settings of a neuro gear or Arkane capsule. It was an important process as if the settings didn't suit a player, then he will have a hard time playing the game.

Most of the players will go with the default settings but the rankers will adjust it themselves to suit them better.

Some rankers can even do settings much better than the programmers and they were used as testers when testing the newer models.

"Please do the settings."

Lu Fei said and the employee led him to a room in the inner part of the Olympus store.

A programmer was sitting there. Seeing Lu Fei and the employee coming in, he stood up and greeted them.

"It's programming for a level 1 neuro gear."

"No problem."

The employee left and the programmer and Lu Fei went to the testing room. Roaming the Olympus store, Lu Fei was shocked to see his huge size.

'It's like a mall, rather than a store.'

Lu Fei was stunned to see the size of the store. It really was big and all of the employees were very polite to the customers.

It speaks of the reputation of Pegasus corporation!!

Even a simple employee of the Pegasus corporation had to have certain qualifications in academics or have some work experience.

They just don't take anyone.

Lu Fei was sure that the programmer walking beside him was a graduate from a top-level university.

He felt that he was in a new world for a second!

"Do you want to program it with the default settings or you will be acting as a tester so that I can program it to suit you the best."

"Do you mean I will have to enter the VR world?"

"Yes, you just have to do some tests and with the help of those tests, I will set the settings that will suit you the best. It can take some time, so we can also go with the default settings."

"I will do it."

Lu Fei has given money to buy the neuro gear. He will, of course, enjoy all the benefits to it.

It was not like it will take money to become a tester and he was also excited to finally enjoy the VR world.

"You can feel dizzy at the start but don't worry about anything."


Lu Fei put on the neuro gear and the gloves attached to it and laid down on the bed.

As the neuro gear booted up, he felt his visions going black and suddenly, he found himself floating alone in a white background.

For a second, Lu Fei felt that he was in a sci-fi movie. Suddenly, some words formed in front of him.

Yes | No>

He immediately thought of yes in his mind and his background again changed.

As the system was directly connected to the mind, a player can just think of commands in his head.

When Lu Fei's vision returned, he found himself in the middle of rocky terrain.

Rock climbing!! That was the first obstacle.



Lu Fei didn't have much time to think as he tightly holds onto the cliff. He looked ahead and saw that it will take quite some time to reach the top.

Leaping over to the other side of the cliff lightly, Lu Fei tightly held onto a protrusion in the cliff with his fingers.

He got onto the cliff so easily as though he had put some adhesive on the tip of his fingers.

It was weird because the programmer has told him that he will feel slightly dizzy but he never felt dizzy. He felt that it was the real world instead of virtual reality.

Lu Fei has done rock climbing when he was in the fantasy world. He had done quite a lot of mercenary missions in the mountains.

He was well acquainted with the cliffs.

He climbed the cliff slowly but steadily. It was common for a person to fall from the cliffs and if that happens, then they have to restart the test.

But that didn't happen with Lu Fei. He was climbing the cliff easily like he was a rock climber.

He also felt some other things. One of the things was air and the wind.

He knows that the air was artificial but there was the sensation of breathing and he could feel some chilly winds on his scalp.

It was on the level of extreme realism!!

It didn't take him much time to finish the rock climbing test and after that, Lu Fei moved to the next test which was a one on one battle.

In a one on one battle, one has to use every sense of one's body and it was the most effective way to gauge someone's ability in the virtual world.

After virtual reality came into the world, game companies invested millions in games and one of the types of that game was 'virtual reality fighting games'.

Although they were not as popular and realistic as Ark, they still had their level of popularity and fans.

Pegasus corporation also uses these games to test the tester's ability!!

With a flash, Lu Fei was standing in the middle of a battleground. In front of him was a masked man holding a sword.

He was an A.I. controlled model prepared to fight Lu Fei.

A screen popped up in front of him.