Chapter 7. Arth (2)

Chapter 7. Arth (2)

When making a VR game, creators would normally go through two types of problems.

One was how to make players adapt to the virtual world and the second was their distaste for killing living creatures.

To them, the virtual creatures looked no different than real, living creatures.

The first problem was something the players had to solve for themselves by slowly adapting their bodies to the virtual world.

But it was up to the content creators to solve the second problem. VR game creators found the need to design their games so that players could more easily focus on the game.

If blood exploded out whenever one swung his sword, or if one pierced a creature with a spear and could feel its dying heartbeats.

What if the creature's organs started spilling out through a cut on their belly, or if one crushed a monster's head and its brain exploded everywhere, then the game would have to be 18+.

If that happened, then the VR game will not be able to appeal to the wider audiences. Many game companies will make the game childish in order to satisfy all age groups.

But Ark was different!!

One of the main content of Ark involved fighting monsters, and the game creators believed polishing this aspect to the utmost was the path to success.

Thus, they made game battles as realistic as possible.

By realistic, it meant cruel. Blood spurted, and that was it. No organs spilled out from cuts, no brains exploded out, but blood spurted out realistically.

Players could always turn this option off, but the fact this option existed was game-changing.

Furthermore, when monsters got injured, they wouldn't just sit still but roar angrily. They moved to cover their injuries, and they charged at whoever gave them the injury.

This was why Ark became the game to watch. Ark's battle was the cruelest and most breathtaking compared to any other game.

Conversely, to those playing VR games for the first time, it was a challenge. Many couldn't adjust to the game even after paying the large sum to buy a VR device.

They can't fight monsters head-on because of fear. The monsters look too realistic and dangerous to them, that's why Pegasus corporation made the Training Dungeon.

It was a dungeon specially designed for newbies to make them better adapt to the game and the monsters.

"The wolf is really realistic."

Ian muttered as he slashed the red werewolf with the beginner sword he had received from Gran.

The red werewolf let out a cry and died, turning into red shards.

Getting experience from the red wolves was easy after one is familiar with them.

At first, one would have to go to great bounds just to scratch it, but after some time, it was a monster great for leveling, especially for the newbies.

After Ian defeated the red werewolf, another one spawned at a distance. Through his red fur, Ian was able to see his red eyes which were staring at him.

Ian also stared back at him.

The red werewolf didn't cower in front of Ian's burning gaze. Instead, it strengthened its red eyes. In a battle of spirit, it wouldn't back down.


The red werewolf let out a cry and jumped towards Ian.

Swish! Swish!

It swung its two arms in a rough, random manner. Ian didn't charge towards the red werewolf nor did it maintain a large distance from him.

Instead, Ian distanced himself by a small margin, avoiding the attacks barely, but he stayed in the zone of counter-attack.

It was one of the things Ian learned in the fantasy world.

As in boxing and other martial arts, it was best to maintain a small, delicate distance and counterattack every time one avoided an attack.

Doing this wasn't easy and only some experts can do it, it was only the bad luck of the red wolf that Ian was one of those experts.


Ian dodged the claw of the red wolf and attacked.

The beginner sword drew a shiny-white trace in the air in a fraction of second. At the end of the gaudy semi-circle was the red wolf.

Like that, Ian kept attacking the red wolves. The wolves didn't give him many items. Rarely, there would be some drops.

These drops would be some 'red wolf fur' and 'red wolf meat'.

You can turn meat to steaks by cooking on a bonfire, and red wolf fur is one of the most widely used materials for clothes.

This kind of production process requires related skills. Newbies rarely learn such skills as cooking and tailoring.

It is more often than not that these items are destined to end up on a shelf in the nearest grocery store.

'I will sell them later.'

Ian thought as he continued to hunt the red wolves. The red wolves were the only monster that will spawn in this Training Dungeon.

They were mostly level 3-5, the perfect meal for the newbies and they will make them accustomed to the monsters and level up them quite a bit.

Ian also leveled up quite a bit. Before he knew it, he was already level 7. Each level up gave him 5 bonus stats points to distribute.

He distributed them equally among his strength and stamina. Ian was looking for a combat-based class like a warrior or swordsman.

He felt that combat-based classes earn the most money in Ark, most of the rankers also have combat based class and his goal was earning money, not enjoying the game.

Combat based class was the way to go for him.

That's why he hunted the red wolves mercilessly. He slashed at their necks and blood spluttered out everywhere.

The red wolves that have just spawned felt a chill on their backs, the moment they saw Ian. They all had the same thoughts in their heads.

'What are those eyes…?'

'This human doesn't consider us his enemy but food.'

'He takes us for experience.'

'Nice EXPs. Great item drops. That's the only thing he considers us.'

Life has given him no mercy. There was no reason for Ian to give the red wolves any mercy.

Life was harsh, don't think that it's unfair. Just accepts it and fight your way upwards. That's the only way one can gain prestige in this world, especially Ark.

Slash! Splurt!

Ian slashed the neck of the last red wolf as he stood before a cave. The red wolf didn't drop anything. The drop rate was already low and Ian was not at all confident in his luck.

He has defeated all the red wolves in the Training Dungeon, there was only the boss left.

The boss of the Training Dungeon was known as the Blaze wolf. He was a boss monster that not many people can defeat.

Many newbies will try to complete the Training Dungeon by killing the boss, but they will always be left disappointed by the power of the Blaze wolf.

They will be able to defeat the red wolves but the Blaze wolf was a completely different thing. With his fierce claws and teeth, it can even throw fireballs from his mouth.

It was definitely not a monster a newbie can defeat.

'Let's do it!!'

After coming here, Ian can't go back. He didn't know if he will be able to defeat the Blaze wolf or not but he can at least try.

He can't go back without even trying.

Ian entered the cave thinking like that. The inside of the cave was somewhat dark but Ian was able to see.

The ground was somewhat rocky. The more Ian delved[1] into the cave, the more the temperature rises.

'There is it!!'

Ian silently thought to himself. In the middle of the cave, a big wolf was sleeping. His fur was red like the red wolves, but his fur has more of a dark shade like it was flames itself.

Moreover, his claws were really big and Ian could tell that if he got hit by them even once, then he would be finished.

He has to be careful!!

Ian slowly moved towards the Blaze wolf without making any sounds. There was something common about all the wolves, they have a very sensitive nose and ears.

It was the same for the fantasy world and even Ark. Ian has already confirmed this with the red wolves earlier.

He planned to go for a surprise attack and stab the sleeping wolf before retreating. It was the best strategy he could think of since there was a large level difference between both him and the Blaze wolf.

There was a 5 level difference between Ian and the Blaze wolf. Just a level difference can be fatal in Ark, so a 5 level difference was a thing to look out for.

'Let's do it.'

Ian went close to the Blaze wolf and prepared to stab his head with the beginner sword but before he could do it, the wolf opened his eyes and tried to bite him.

His response was like a viper that had been through countless battles!!

Thankfully, Ian rolled to the side and dodged the attack. He was barely able to avoid that attack and it had managed to scratch his arm.


Ian cursed in his mind as he saw those messages popping up. He currently had 650 health left and his health was depleting every second.

In around 11 minutes, he will die. He has to finish the battle quickly.


The Blaze wolf growled as he glared at Ian. His eyes were blazing red like there were raging flames in them. His attitude told him that he didn't like Ian trespassing in his territory.

"Bring it on, you damn wolf!!"

Ian swung the sword and confronted the Blaze wolf.


Yelping, the Blaze wolf leaped on him. From that time, Ian's pose and moves changed drastically.

His legs were glued to the ground while his waist and shoulders rocked back and forth. Like a breeze, Ian let the fierce Blaze wolf pass by.

"I'll be a fool if I die here."

Ian has wasted too much time to come this far. He won't go back until he can soak himself in the Blaze wolf's blood.

Ian was capable of predicting the Blaze wolf's next move, and a single wound wasn't as much as he had been afraid of.

"I know I can defeat it."

Ian tightened his grip on the beginner sword. He had faced much more ferocious opponents in the fantasy world, he would not quiver before the Blaze wolf.

The only way to end this fight quickly was to confront the Blaze wolf head on!!

That's what Ian did, he leaped through the air to attack the eyes of the Blaze wolf. It was one of the vulnerable spots on his body.

But the Blaze wolf did the same. He also leaped up and attacked with his teeth. The sword and the Blaze wolf's teeth clashed together, letting out a clanging sound.

Clash! Swish!

Ian repeatedly swung around his sword and the wolf also attacked at the same time. Both of them were bleeding and their healths were going down.

Ian's health was already below 200 and the Blaze wolf was also bleeding from several parts of his body. That's why, realizing the situation, it took a step back.


The Blaze wolf distanced himself from Ian and started firing fireballs at him. Ian rolled around all over the cave just to dodge them.

"This damn wolf!!"

Curses kept pouring from Ian's mouth. He couldn't do anything about it. He was continuously being pushed back by the fireballs.

He couldn't even attack as the Blaze wolf was maintaining his distance from him. It was now only a matter of seconds before Ian will experience his first death.

'Let's take a chance.'

Ian thought as he started running towards the Blaze wolf at full speed. He was giving it his all to try to deal a final blow to the Blaze wolf.

The Blaze wolf health was already down by a lot and a critical hit can kill him. He just needed to deal the last blow to him.

The Blaze wolf also saw that and he spewed out fireballs in a hurry. Ian tried to dodge them but it was hard to dodge and run at the same time.

Because of that, one of the fireballs struck him on his left leg and he struggled to run, but he was already quite close to the Blaze wolf.

"It's now or never!!"

Ian shouted as he jumped at the wolf with all of his strength. The Blaze wolf was stunned by this and was not able to react at all.


In the end, he was stabbed in his head and with a whimpering noise, he succumbed to his death.