Chapter 21. Triple thrust!!

Chapter 21. Triple thrust!!

Several messages appeared when Ian killed one of the demonic bats inside the Demonic bat cave.

'My mastery is slowly going up.'

Due to fighting with the bats, his spear mastery went up to level 3 while his level was up to 27 now. He was able to level up much faster than usual because of the advantage of being the first one to step into the Demonic bat cave.

He was able to level up two times faster, and the item drop rate from the demonic bats was also doubled.

It was because of this reason that Ian decided to hunt the regular demonic bats before venturing into fighting the boss, Krysil.

"I should be able to sell this for a gold or two."

Ian muttered as he looked at the number of demonic bat teeth inside his inventory. That was the only item the bats would drop.

But the teeth of the demonic bats could be used in manufacturing weapons and other things, that's why they have some value to them.

It has already been some time since Ian has started playing Ark and up till now, he was not able to do anything specific.

He just hunted and sold some items up till that moment, but there was no such thing like profit. He got some good money after doing the herb gathering quest, but that was it.

What Ian wanted were some rare items that he could sell on the item transaction site.

Then, he would be able to get some real-life cash and pay back some of his debt. He didn't want loan sharks to come knocking on his door again.

The demonic bat cave was his only way to obtain rare grade items. A hidden dungeon was known as gold mines because one could get hidden treasures after defeating the boss.

Ian was aiming for those treasures!!

"Let's go kill Krysil."

Ian headed towards the boss room. The ordinary demonic bats were no match for him, especially after he exceeded their levels.

He was quickly able to kill them, but the main objective was still the demonic bat boss, Krysil.

That messaged appeared when Ian drank the Red spirit grass soup. He gulped it down, and it went down his throat. He felt a protective covering all over his body afterwards.

He then began to stretch some of his muscles. It was so to make his body ready for the big fight that was about to happen.

Ian took a deep breath and entered the boss room, where Krysil was waiting for him.


A humongous bat with a big wingspan, red eyes and a tail that looked sharper than any weapon. His red eyes were shining with killing intent seeing Ian.

It was the same for Ian.

At that moment, it was like two predators were staring at each other, both waiting for each other to start the fight.

Ian had his hands tightly gripped around the Thales spear. He was waiting for Krysil to attack first. It was a battle of patience and just like he had thought, his patience was greater.


With a loud shriek, Krysil flapped his wings and flew towards Ian. It was just like a train was coming his way, ready to slice his body in shreds.

But Ian was ready.


He thrust his spear upwards towards him, and it clashed with Krysil's front claws. Sparks flew out between them, but none of them was ready to back away.

Ian took the chance and turned around, thrusting his spear towards his wings, but it was blocked with the razor-like tail that belonged to Krysil.


The Thales spear and Krysil's tail clashed with each other for some time. Ian was trying to attack the broad wings, but his attacks were blocked every time.

'I have to get an opening.'

Ian thought in his head and made some distance to take a breath. He knew that he would be killed sooner or later if he kept clashing with Krysil at a close range.

Not only was Krysil attacking with his tail but also his sharp claws. It was hard for Ian to block all of them, no matter how skilled he was.


'Is he taunting me?'

Krysil again shrieked, but this time, it felt like he was taunting Ian.

His face was expressionless, but Ian was able to imagine a smug smile on it. Added to his frustration about not being able to defeat Krysil earlier, it made him angry.

Due to that anger, Ian started running towards Krysil in full speed.

He was going for a deadly thrust, but Krysil flapped his wings around, and a whirlwind of sorts pushed back Ian, but he held his ground and kept running towards Krysil.


He thrust his spear towards his head, the most vulnerable spot for Krysil, but the speed of the thrust was decreased because of the whirlwind.

That's why the attack was blocked, and Krysil quickly used his special attack.

A purple pulse appeared and directly attacked his mind!!


A headache assaulted Ian's head, but he didn't back down. He tried to fight with it. He could not let himself die again.

Maybe, it was because he was surprised, but Krysil was momentarily stunned. Ian didn't let this chance go away and slashed at his neck.


A cried resounded inside the boss room, but Ian completely ignored it and continued to thrust his spear at Krysil, attacking all of his weak spots.

The head, the neck, the wings and even the chest.

Ian attacked everywhere and soon, blood was dripping all over Krysil, but Ian's condition was also not the best.

There was still a headache assaulting his mind, and he was also bleeding all over his body.

'I have to finish it now!!'

Now, only a single attack was left to defeat Krysil and Ian prepared for a powerful thurst which will stab the middle of his head.

But Krysil was not a boss for nothing, and it was never easy to defeat a boss like Krysil.

The now berserk Krysil aimed at Ian with his front claw.


Ian quickly raised his spear and blocked the attack, but he was knocked out and was slammed into the wall.

What a devastating strength!

The impact had thrown him off. If he sustained another attack, then it'd become really dangerous.


Ian cursed as he tried to stand up from the ground, but Krysil's flew towards him and continued his devastating assault.


Ian was barely able to dodge his attack by rolling around as he kept sustaining his life.

Rather than blocking, he was dodging because he could see the tremendous amount of power in the attacks that Krysil gave. One attack was enough for him to die.

'What should I do?'

He thought that he could defeat Krysil after increasing his magic resistance. Unfortunately, he was wrong about the level of strength he possessed.

That was the reason behind him being in a slump.

"I underestimated him."

Ian rolled around the floor, barely dodging the attacks. His armour has already lost all of its durability, and it was nothing more than a cloth to him now.

As he was thinking of ways to defeat Krysil, one of his past memories came to him. It was the memory of him being taught by his master.

'Ian, a spear is a weapon that can both dodge and attack at the same time. It is swift like a snake and sturdy like a beetle. It's up to you on how you use it.'

"Yes, that move."

Ian clenched his spear when he thought of that special move his master had taught him.

He looked at the berserk Krysil with a sharp glint in his eyes as he stood up from the ground.

'It is time to end this battle!!'

Both Ian and Krysil were thinking the same thing. They both stared at each other, their eyes filled with killing intent and ferociousness.

They both wanted to devour each other!!


With his usual shriek, Krysil flew towards Ian and Ian did the same thing. He sped up and leapt up, landing just ahead of Krysil.

His spear and the front claws of Krysil clashed with each other.

Krysil tried to attack Ian with a thrust from his tail. Ian dodged it smoothly as he began to take position to initiate the final attack.

He first thrust his spear upwards, hitting just below Krysil's neck.

Then, in just a sudden second, he turned his body around, striking Krysil's chest with the pole part of the spear. A pained growl leaked out of the monster's mouth, but before he could respond, Ian went on to make the final strike.

He backed up a step back and lowered his body, then he thrust his spear towards Krysil's neck with a devastating strike.

Shards of light spilt out like fireworks!!

Krysil fell to the floor like a marionette that had its strings cut.

Ian dropped to the ground after he saw Krysil's body turning into red shards of light.

He was too exhausted from the fight that he didn't even look at the messages that popped up after defeating the Demonic bat boss, Krysil.

After sitting on the ground for around five minutes, Ian finally stood up. He started looking at the rewards that he garnered after conquering the Demonic bat cave.

The fight made him level up to level 29, and his experience bar was just a step away from reaching level 30.

If any ranker knew of his leveling speed, then he would surely spew out blood. In just three weeks, Ian has reached close to level 30.

It was not monstrous, but it was more than abnormal.

'What's this skill?'

Ian first looked at the skill he gained. It was called Triple thrust, and it was an original skill created by Ian.

* * *

-Active skill

-Proficiency: Beginner Lv. 5

-Cooldown: 30 seconds

-An original skill created by the player Ian. It is a deadly strike of three thrusts that can be used to kill off any opponent.

-When using this skill, your attack power and thrusting power will increase by 70%.

-On rare cases, the opponent can become stunned when using this skill.

-The damage will increase based on the proficiency of the skill.

-As the owner of the skill, you can teach it to other people.

* * *

An original skill!!

Skills in Ark can be learned in various ways. One can earn skills by leveling up, or it can also be created if one repeats an action several times.

But an original skill was hard to come by.

A player can only create an original skill if his actions are deemed as a skill and the skill would also be checked by the A.I. program 'Origin'.

The greatest part about making an original skill was that the creator of the skill was the sole user of that skill and no one could emulate it, that is until the creator themselves decided to teach the skill to someone.

"Why is the proficiency so high? Is it because I'm the creator of this skill?"

Ian looked through the skill and felt like it was a great one. Not only did it have a high attack power, but it could even stun the opponent.

Although it was a great skill, Ian didn't look at it for long. It was because he wanted to go through the items Krysil has dropped.

It was time to check his rewards!!