Chapter 26.A dinner date (?)

Chapter 26. A dinner date (?)

There were some things that Lu Fei would never refuse in his life. One of those things was food.

Yes, it was food!!

Living in the fantasy world had made Lu Fei realize the true value of food. He had eaten both tasteless and delicious food in the fantasy world.

That had made him learn the true value of food more quickly. Imagine eating just hard bread when you are hunting in a dungeon.

It would not seem like much, but it would overly affect one's fighting capability. In a way, good food was the same as a buff from an item.

That's why, when Fang Xue invited him to dinner, he quickly agreed.

His sister would be home late due to a late-night study session. High school entrance examinations were this year, so there was no time to slack for her.

His sister was giving it her all to get into a prestigious high school. There was another reason behind her studying so hard.

It was because she wanted to get a scholarship!

Lu Xiaomei knew very well how hard her brother worked to pay her school fees, she wanted to help him, even if it's just a little.

Of course, Lu Fei don't know about that.

Ding! Dong!

Lu Fei pressed the doorbell as he stood outside Fang Xue's apartment.

For some reason, he was looking more handsome today. It was because he had chosen his best clothes today and even spent time setting up his hair.

"Who are you?"

The door opened, and someone unfamiliar came out. It was a girl that looked messy. Her bangs covered her forehead, and she was wearing loose casual clothes.

The most noticeable thing about her was her hair.

'Pink hair? Quite a unique choice.'

The girl's hair was dyed pink, and honestly, it suited her. Lu Fei gauged that the girl was probably a middle school student from her height.

"Is this Ms. Fang, Fang Xue's house?"

Lu Fei asked as he rechecked the address. He was sure that he was at the right address.

"You are looking for my sister?"


'So, this girl is Ms. Fang's little sister.'

Lu Fei thought in his mind, and the pink-haired girl let him inside the house after confirming that he indeed knew Fang Xue.

"Sister, someone is here to meet you."

She shouted towards one of the rooms in the apartment.

The apartment was relatively big for two people to live in, and it was incredibly messy with packets of chips and cold drinks scattered around the floor.

Lu Fei was sure that the reason behind it was the pink-haired girl.

"Who is it?"

Fang Xue soon came out of her room. It looks she was getting ready as there was some makeup on her face.

"Lu Fei, you are already here!!"

It looks like she didn't expect Lu Fei to come so soon. She was shocked for a moment.

"Sister, who is he?"

"He's my student. The person I'm having dinner with today. I thought I already told you all this."

"I thought you were having a date with your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? I, I don't have one."

Fang Xue shuttered when she heard that. She glanced at Lu Fei from the corner of her eyes, but he was just calmly looking at their conversation.

It disheartened her somehow.

"You can take your time."

Lu Fei said as he interjected into their conversation.

"Okay, you should sit down till then. I will get ready quickly..."

Fang Xue tried to hurry, but when she saw the appearance of the living room, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

'Fang Yuqing, I already told you several times to tidy up the living room, but…'

Fang Xue wanted to scold her sister. She was just contributing to making a fool of her in front of Lu Fei.


But in the end, only a sigh leaked her mouth.

"Sorry about the mess."

"It's fine."

Fang Xue could only apologize to Lu Fei and quickly returned to her room to get ready.

After she was gone, her sister, Fang Yuqing, stared at Lu Fei with some suspicion in her eyes, her eyes implying that she wanted to ask something.

"What do you want to ask?"

Lu Fei asked when he noticed her gaze.

"What's your relationship with my sister?"

She was really blunt in asking the question, but most middle school and high school girls were like that at that age.

"She's my homeroom teacher, and I'm her student."

"There's nothing more than that?"

"What would there be between a teacher and student, except the normal relationship?"

Fang Yuqing shook her head when he asked that. She sat down on the sofa and opened a packet of chips.

She was acting like Lu Fei was not even in the room.

"I just thought that you were her boyfriend. You don't look bad, so I was suspicious, but I don't think there would be something between a teacher and a student."

Lu Fei sighed when he heard that.

There was really nothing going on between him and Fang Xue. In the first place, he didn't have any time to spend on a romantic relationship.

The other thing was that Fang Xue was really good looking. There would be hundreds of rich and handsome guys after her.

There was no way she would like someone like him.

Lu Fei was currently in debt, with a bleak future. Moreover, he was her student.

The possibility of something happening between them was far too low.

"Hey, do you play video games?"

As he was just standing there, Fang Yuqing called out to him and gestured him to sit beside her.

'It's been a long time since I played a video game.'

Lu Fei thought as he started playing video games with her.

'When was the last time I played video games?'

He thought in his heart as he started reminiscing about the long-forgotten past.

It was before his parent's accident and his unusual transmigration. Lu Fei used to be an avid fan of online games.

He would stay up all night just to gain another level on some online games. His parents often nagged at him, but in the end, they would be lenient with him.

Lu Fei can't even remember how many sleepless nights he had spent just to play games.

His personality used to be completely different at that time.

If it wasn't for his parent's death and his life in the fantasy world, Lu Fei would still be a naive teenager spending his time away in games.

'Well, I'm still spending my time in a game, but the reason this time is different.'

"Ahh, how can I lose?"

Lu Fei came back from his thoughts and looked at his side. Fang Yuqing was complaining with a pouting face as she had just lost the game.

The game they were playing was a PvP battle combat game. It used to be reasonably popular back then, but with virtual reality games entering the market, it had grown old.

"Why are you fuming? It was just a game."

"It was a game for you, not for me. Why are you even so good at it?"

"I used to play these type of video games a lot."

"Used to? What do you…?"

Fang Yuqing asked, but before she could finish her sentence, Fang Xue suddenly appeared from her room.

"Sister, you are looking so beautiful."

Fang Yuqing's attention suddenly shifted to Fang Xue, who was wearing a light green dress, and there were black stockings on her legs.

Anyone would give her a second look if she walked on the street wearing that dress.

Even Lu Fei was distracted for a second by her beauty. Fang Xue saw that, and a slight smile slowly appeared on her face.

"Let's go now."

It was already late for the scheduled dinner time. Fang Xue didn't want to delay any longer, but her sister suddenly said.

"I want to come with you."

"Didn't you said that you don't want dinner, and you would do with the snacks?"

"I'm hungry now."

Fang Xue sighed when she heard that. She was tired of her sister's spoiled attitude, but she knew that she couldn't do anything about it.

That's why Fang Xue looked at Lu Fei, and he said.

"I don't have a problem."

It was not like having Fang Yuqing would be a bother, and his focus was on the food anyway.

"Yaayy. Let's go quickly!!"

* * *

The three of them quickly went to a nearby restaurant. The two beauties rapidly attracted the attention of all the men in the restaurant.

Especially, Fang Yuqing who had already changed from her previous clothes to a hoody with a cute design and jeans.

Her hair was not a mess now as she had tied it up in a ponytail.

"What do you want to eat?"

Fang Xue asked both of them as they sat down.

"I want steak!!"

Fang Yuqing quickly agreed, and Lu Fei didn't have any problem with it. He was being treated, so it would be rude to order something expensive.

The steak was enough for him anyway.

"You are in your third year of high school, right?"

Fang Yuqing started the conversation as they waited for the food to come.

She was the talkative type, and she was curious about Lu Fei since she had seen him for the first time that day. There were many questions about him in her mind.

"Yes, I am."

"Then, you must be studying really hard to get into a university."

"No, I'm not going to university."

Fang Xue frowned when she heard that. She didn't like this attitude of Lu Fei.

"You are not going to university?! Then, will you get a job straight after university?"

Fang Yuqing was also shocked when she heard that.

With the progression of time, the value of education had also gone up significantly. One couldn't earn much as a high school graduate.

"No, I will play games."


"Yes, I want to become a pro gamer in Ark."

Fang Xue raised her eyebrows when she heard that. It was the first time she was hearing about Lu Fei wanting to become a pro gamer.

"You play Ark??"

Although Fang Xue don't know much about it, her sister was well aware of Ark.

"Yes, I started playing it recently."

"I want to play it too, but my sister won't buy the neuro gear for me. All of my friends are playing Ark too."

"You should study instead of playing games. You are already in high school."

Fang Xue scolded her sister, but Fang Yuqing said in protest.

"High school is for enjoying your youth, not to study. At least, not in the first year."

As they were talking, someone suddenly approached their table.

He was a middle-aged man with a good build, and from the expensive watch on his hands, Lu Fei could guess that he was rich.

"Fang Xue, I didn't know I would see you here."

He greeted Fang Xue warmly, but her expression was not good when she saw him. She even leaked out a frown.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

"You should call me more informally. We are close after all."

"I don't think so. Our parents are close, not us."

'It looks like their parents are friends.'

From their conversation, Lu Fei could tell that they had met in the past, and their families were close to each other.

"By the way, who is he?"

The so-called Mr. Chen said as he pointed his finger at Lu Fei.

"He's my student. I'm treating him today."

"Oh, he's just a student. You can let him eat by himself. Why don't you come over and sit with me? We can talk about some private things while enjoying wine."

"No, thank you. I won't bother you."

'She's hard to get.'

Mr. Chen thought in his heart, but he knew that Fang Xue wasn't an easy woman. Well, the harder a woman plays, the more fun there is in pursuing her.

That was his motto.

"Then, I will leave for today. Give me a chance to treat you someday."

"We will see about that."

Mr. Chen left after that, and Fang Xue couldn't help but frown.

"Who was he?"

Fang Yuqing asked.

"His name is Chen Yaozhi. He's 8 years older than me, and his father is one of our fathers' business partners. You don't know him as he was in America."

"He seems interested in you?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to think about him."

Fang Xue said as she pursed her lips.

She looked at Lu Fei for a second, but his face was blank. For some reason, Fang Xue didn't like that, but she didn't say anything about it.

The dinner was peaceful after that. Lu Fei and Fang Yuqing were satisfied with the steak.

The only unhappy person was Fang Xue, but it was for an entirely different reason.