Chapter 36. The mysterious slate (2)

Chapter 36. The mysterious slate (2)


Like every other MMORPG game, Ark also had the classes system.

One could change his class after reaching level 10. The primary classes include swordsman, warrior, archer, and mage.

But those are not the only classes in Ark.

Actually, Ark was the game with the highest number of classes. It has classes for every profession in life and even beyond that.

A professor in the virtual reality department of Oxford university once said.

"Ark can be called a new reality just based on the sheer number of classes it possesses. From plumber to a dragon slayer, one can get any class. It's a pity that many of these classes have been hidden, and no one has been able to find them yet."

The most special classes in Ark are the so-called hidden classes.

They are hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, and no one knew how many of them there are.

It is not even revealed how many of them had been discovered yet. It was because no player would announce that they had a hidden class unless it's for fame or they like to boast.

The method of getting a hidden class was also different from regular classes.

Some would get a hidden class after doing a quest, or some would find one in a ruin or an ancient relic.

A player had to find several clues before getting a hidden class. These clues are spread all over Ark by the Pegasus corporation.

Hidden classes typically received higher additional stat bonuses than common professions. Given the extreme difficulty of finding one, this reward was a matter of course.

Also, there were unique skills only obtainable in a hidden class, and with their use, one could demonstrate incredible strength.

That was the reason why the players didn't upload information about the hidden classes.

Although there was the greed of wanting to monopolize hard-found information, more than that, the reason for hiding a unique skill only obtainable in a hidden class was even more significant.

When players get into a fight amongst each other, if the opponent didn't know the other side's skill, then even that would be a huge help.

So to speak, a hidden class was partly a specialized class, so there were many cases where the abilities leaned to one side.

If a person who wanted to become a Magician happened to find a magic-specialized hidden class, then they would be able to enjoy an enormous additional effect.

But if a warrior style player found the same magic hidden class, it wouldn't merely be an extremely upsetting situation.

In the end, becoming a character that wasn't one or the other wasn't a small possibility.

Since players didn't share information about the hidden classes, it wasn't possible to check those points before class changing.

But the risk was totally worth it if it's for a hidden class.

Just getting a hidden class means that one is above the average users. No guild would say no to a player with a hidden class.

No matter how bad a hidden class was, players would never refuse a chance to get one.

Ian was the same.

'I can't reset my character. So, I at least have to choose a hidden class.'

The reason why Ian still hadn't changed into a class was very simple. He was looking for a hidden class to change into.

For him, Ark was not just a game. It was a chance for him to fulfill his sister's dream and pay back the enormous amount of debt he had.

He was taking every step carefully.

Choosing a class was one of them. He wanted to change into the warrior class at first, but after thinking about it, he had given up on that idea.

The reason behind it was simple.

No matter how excellent his skills were, he would not be able to show his potential with an average class. He would need something more.

That was a hidden class!

From the start, Ian was trying to find information about a hidden class, but he was unable to find it.

In the first place, no player would leak information about a hidden class. Even if there was some information about it, all the players would fight for it.

Ian wouldn't be able to come close to it at all.

He could try to ask for information about it from an NPC. Still, normal NPCs would not know any information about a hidden class.

In the end, Ian could only give up on obtaining a hidden class.

If he had a class during his fight with the Dragon Lizard, Leverill, then he would have been able to kill him without much trouble.

That's why Ian had already decided on getting the warrior class after leaving the dungeon.

But he unexpectedly found something that surprised him.

* * *

A golden slate inscribed with some enigmatic engravings. One can feel some sort of power coming from it. The slate is actually a way to get one of the hidden classes, but one has to find the remaining parts of it.

*There are a total of 3 slates like this, and these slates will start to glow if they come across each other.

* * *

That was the description of the mysterious slate, and Ian couldn't help but rub his eyes and double-check if he was reading it right or not.

'It's a way to get a hidden class!!'

Ian couldn't help but think that he was really lucky to find such an item. As he was thinking of what to do with the slate, Clara called him from behind.

"Ian, what's that thing in your hand?"

"Ah, that, I found this."

Ian was startled for a second and nearly dropped the slate from his hand. He turned back and saw Clara's eye on the slate.

At that moment, a thought appeared in his mind.

'Should I hide it from them?'

That was the normal thing to do in this situation. All players want a hidden class, and they would try to keep all information about it to themselves.

There was nothing wrong with doing that.

Ian was also playing Ark because he wanted to earn money in it, and getting a hidden class would be beneficial to him in doing that.

But Ian was fundamentally different than other people.

One of his unbreakable rules was to never lie to his comrades, and he already perceived Clara, Ria, and Wayn as such.

That's why he wouldn't lie to them.

"I have something to show you."

Ian shouted, and his party members gathered at his side. He then calmly began to explain about the mysterious slate.

After hearing about it, the faces of the three of them were filled with shock. Ian has already expected it.

"Damn!! I never thought we would find an item related to obtaining a hidden class."

"Aren't those hidden classes really rare?"

"Yes, they are. The guild leader of the Black Axe guild has one of the hidden classes. The class is apparently called the Beaster, and its main skill can change a player into a monster."

Ian looked at them with a strange expression as he listened to their talk about the hidden classes. Then, he opened his mouth.

"So, how will we decide who will get this slate?"

The expression of his party members changed when he heard that.

"What are you talking about?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Ian, are you thinking that we would fight for the slate from you?"

Clara said as she giggled.

Behind her, Ria was also smiling strangely, looking at him. Wayn then proceeded to say.

"We never had any plans to fight over that slate. In the first place, you were the one who defeated Leverill. We were merely assisting you."

"Yes, you are surprisingly cute sometimes."

'Maybe, I was overthinking.'

Ian thought in his head as he proceeded to store the slate in his inventory.

After that, he and his party members began to sort out the items. They let Ian choose first, and Ian picked the mace of Leverill and some other items.

Ian would sell the mace later for a high price.

There was a skill book of swordsman class too, and Clara naturally received it. The other items were distributed between Ria and Wayn.

After that, the four of them searched the entire boss room and found an enormous amount of gold coins and some other items.

It was an amount impossible for newbies to get, but it was understandable since it was a hidden dungeon. There was no story of players not getting rich after finding a hidden dungeon.

After that, the four of them quickly left the hidden dungeon.

The respawn time for a boss is usually 24 hours. So, they had to leave the dungeon, or they would face Leverill's wrath again.

"Why don't we make an official party and hunt together?"

That was the proposal Clara gave Ian once they were out of the dungeon. Ria and Wayn were also looking at him with hopeful eyes.

But Ian shook his head.

"Sorry, but I like to be alone."

Although Ian said that, the real reason was something else.

He had already experienced losing his comrades in the fantasy world. That had given him a sort of trauma, and he was scared of it being repeated the second time.

That's why Ian liked to hunt alone most of the time.

"I thought that you would agree, but you really don't like being in a party."

"We can hunt together from time to time."

"Yes, we can."

It seemed like Wayn would be joining Clara and Ria, and they would be forming an official party.

Ian thought that this was the right decision because Wayn was an excellent archer, and their teamwork had improved a lot in the hidden dungeon.

'I will continue to hunt alone from tomorrow.'

Ian thought as he logged off.

* * *

"I should clean the house on Sunday."

Lu Fei thought as he removed the neuro gear from his head.

As he was busy in Ark, he had neglected the cleaning of his house. Although his home was not a good place to live in, it was still necessary to clean it.

'I should take a shower first.'

It was currently evening, and the sun, outside the window, has started to set, and one could see the faint moon up in the sky.

Lu Fei had to make dinner for his sister, but he was soaked in sweat. That's why he decided to take a shower first.

He quickly removed his clothes and took a shower. After that, he went downstairs and headed straight to his sister's room.

'I should knock.'

His sister was going to be a high school girl soon. She should get some privacy of her own. He couldn't just keep treating her like a kid.


'What if she is studying? I would disturb her.'

Lu Fei thought like that and silently opened the door to her room.

Just like he had thought, his sister's head was lowered on her desk, and she was doing some math equations.

'It's good that she is studying hard. I should work hard to get her into a good high school.'

At that moment, Lu Fei again vowed in his heart that he would work more hard in Ark to give her sister a better future.

Even if he had to work endlessly, he would do it.

The trials and tribulations of the fantasy world had made Lu Fei value his family more. His sister was his only family, Lu Fei could do anything for her.

As he was about to close the door and leave, his sister suddenly turned back and looked at him with her big glossy eyes.

"Brother, why are you peeking at me?"

His sister giggled a bit and asked.

"I was just going to go make dinner. So, I thought I would ask what you want to eat."

"Don't lie."

His sister said as she came close to him with a laughing expression on her face. She thought that Lu Fei still didn't know how to lie to her.

"I'm not lying. Anyway, come to eat dinner after you are finished with your studies."

"I'm finished. I will help you."

"Okay, then."

That's how Lu Fei spent a peaceful evening with his sister.