Chapter 39. Summoners association (2)

Chapter 39. Summoners association (2)

'It's my first time inside the summoners association.'

Ian looked around the summoners association as he entered.

Just like other class towers, the summoners association was also in the shape of a tower. Ian had to climb the stairs to reach his destination.

Ian started to climb the stairs inside the tower with quick steps!

He arrived on the second floor of the tower, which was a marketplace just like the first floor. However, not everybody could use the second floor as there was a condition to enter.

Ian didn't try to enter as he didn't fulfill the requirement yet, but that was not where he was going anyway.

Ian kept climbing as he reached the third floor. The third floor was the same, as in that it was also a marketplace, but it was only for VIPs.

While staring at the summoners guarding the third floor, he kept climbing.

When he arrived on the fourth floor, he didn't climb any further as this was his destination.

The fourth floor was the place where people could be promoted to summoners, more precisely, people could get a class change quest.

Of course, it wasn't the only thing you could get.

One could ask for an inspection if one had a random pet egg, or they could ask about the hatching method of the pet egg.

You could also make other enquires, but Ian was here to make his egg be inspected by a summoner.

'I need a comrade.'

That was what Ian had been feeling since his battle with Leverill. He wanted to do everything alone, but fighting monsters would only get more difficult later.

He needed someone at his side.

That was when Ian thought about the random pet egg he had received from the Demonic bat cave.

If he could somehow manage to hatch it, then he would have a chance to receive a familiar by his side, which could help him in battles.

Ian was aiming for that.

But the problem was that he didn't know much about hatching methods. So, he naturally decided to go to the summoners association.

The summoners association was a place where all kinds of summoners gathered, and no one knew much about pet eggs aside from summoners.

So, Ian was here to look for a summoner NPC.

"What quest did you choose?"

"It says to meet an NPC called Andrew."

"What, really?!"

"Huh, why?"

"You don't know? Quests, where you meet an NPC, have a chance to give a clue about a hidden class!"

Ian approached the line as he listened to the conversations around him.

"There are 12 stations, but the lines are all long."

There were actually 15 stations, but No.1, 2, and 3 were reserved for VIPs.

That meant Ian and other ordinary players had to go to the other stations. So he chose the station with the shortest line and waited for his turn.

Thankfully, there was a reason why this station had the shortest line.

Ian could see the summoner at the desk was working quickly, without having idle chatter. Ian liked that kind of guy.

"How can I help you?"

The summoner said when it was finally Ian's turn.

"I want to...".

"I will tell you this at the start, but becoming a summoner isn't easy. You have to live with monsters every day, and taming them isn't easy."

As Ian was about to say the reason he was here, the summoner interrupted him and started blabbering about the summoner class.

Ian shook his head and reprimanded him.

"I am not here to become a summoner."

The summoner stared at Ian in confusion when he heard that. Most of the people would come here to become summoners.

It was rare to see someone who was here for a different matter.

"Then why are you here?"

"I want to inspect a random pet egg that I found and about its hatching method."

The summoner stood up from his seat when he heard that. He stared at Ian in bewilderment, then he took a look at his clothes and asked.

"You are really here to inspect an egg?"

"Why would I lie about it?"

The summoner composed himself when he heard that. He coughed a bit and said in a calm and composed manner.

"Sorry, it's just that rare to see someone coming here to inspect an egg, and it's hard to believe because of the clothes you are wearing."

Ian smiled embarrassingly when he heard that.

Maybe he should have worn the equipment he had gotten after defeating Leverill. Still, he couldn't do anything about it currently.

"I will guide you to a high ranking summoner."

The summoner said as he began to guide Ian to an inner room.

It was because taking out a random pet egg in the middle of the room, with many players was highly dangerous.

The one thing that was common in players was greed!

Maybe it was common in all human beings, but players wouldn't miss the chance to get a hand on a special quest.

They were already whispering when they saw Ian was getting led to an inner room.

"Hey, he is a player, right?"

"Yeah, he looks like one, but why is the NPC leading him to the inner room."

"Maybe, he triggered some kind of quest."

These whispers also reached Ian's ears, as he was being led to the inner room. He chose to ignore them.

He silently walked behind the summoner, but the greedy players didn't just discuss this with each other.

"Hey, he's my friend."

"We were together from childhood. He can't do anything without me. Let me go with him."

"We are in the same party."

They tried to follow Ian, but the other summoner NPCs blocked them.

They couldn't fight with them. So, in the end, they could only sigh and wait for the moment Ian came back from the inner room.

The greedy players were really persistent.

* * *

'It's messy.'

That was the first thought inside Ian's mind when he entered the inner room.

There were books thrown everywhere, and the whole floor was enveloped with paper. It was the scene of a messy room.

One could even see some dust on the floor and the walls.

"I have already told you many times not to disturb me when I'm doing research."

Ian jerked his head when he heard that voice.

It was the voice of a man coming out from behind the pile of books on the desk. The man moved his head to the side, and Ian was finally able to see him.

He was a man who looked to be in his 40s, but his face was handsome at the least. One could refer to him as an attractive middle-aged guy.

"Sorry for the disturbance, but this person wants to inspect a random pet egg."

"Random pet egg!!?"

The man quickly came out from the pile of books when he heard that. His steps were quick as he literally sprinted towards Ian.

"Do you really have a random pet egg?"

The man looked at Ian and asked with a glimmer of hope and excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, I have it."

There was no reason to hide it here.

So, Ian brought out the random pet egg with moon-like patterns from his inventory.

"Ohh!! How fascinating!!"

"What the..."

As soon as he saw the pet egg, the man quickly snatched it away from Ian and began to inspect every part of it.

It was so fast that Ian didn't have any time to react as all. He just hoped that the man would not drop the egg from his hands.

"So, you are the owner of this egg?"

"Yes, my name is Ian."

"That's a good name. You have come to the right person for the inspection of your egg. I'm one of the high ranking summoners in the association, Lanson."

The high ranking summoner, Lanson, said as he stared at Ian.

After that, he turned around and gestured the summoner who had led Ian to here, to leave the room.

The summoner did so without complaining.

'I wonder what's his rank in the association.'

Just like the mercenary association, all the other associations also had a rank system.

The higher your rank, the more resources you could get.

From his posture, Ian could tell that the NPC in front of him held an important position in the summoners association.

But he was not sure of his exact rank.

'Well, I'm here to inspect my egg anyway.'

Ian stooped, thinking about other things, and Lanson led him to the sofa.

After sitting on the sofa, Lanson started to ask Ian questions about the egg and how he found it or if he noticed something unusual.

Ian replied without holding back.

If he said lies here, then it could affect the inspection of the egg, and the NPCs of the summoners association were not likely to betray him.

"You are fortunate to find such a rare egg."

"Do you know the type of pet that will emerge from the egg?"

Ian asked the question he really wanted the answer of, but Lanson just shook his head and replied.

"No, it's hard to tell, but I can say that it will be a rare pet."

"Then, can you tell me about its hatching method."

"It's hard to say."

Ian stared at Lanson in confusion when he heard that.

From what he knew, an NPC summoner could easily tell the method of hatching after seeing an egg.

That's the information he had got from searching the forums, but Lanson was saying that it was hard to tell the hatching method.

Ian wondered if there was a reason behind it.

"Is there any specific reason behind it?"

"Yeah, your egg is actually an elemental egg."

"Elemental egg? What's that?"

Ian had never heard about elemental eggs. He had been searching for information about pet eggs after finding his egg.

But until now, there was nothing about elemental eggs.

"Like their name, they are eggs that are deeply connected to an element. Like if one had an elemental fire egg, then the monster that will come out from it would be a Flame lizard or a Lava wolf."

Lanson continued to explain about the elemental eggs, and Ian soon understood what they were.

It was not hard to understand it, and he also found out that the elemental eggs were scarce, and they had special hatching methods.

"If it was an elemental fire egg, then one had to go to Mt. Volcare to hatch it. It's the same for the other types of elemental eggs."

"So, what type of element is my egg connected to?"

Ian tilted his head, then he stared at the random pet egg in Lanson's hand and asked.

But Lanson just made an embarrassing smile.

"Actually, it's connected to the moon element."

'That's why it was shining under the moonlight.'

Ian finally understood the reason as to why the random pet egg was shining when it was exposed to the moonlight.

But there was still a question in his mind.

"Then, what is its hatching method?"

This was the main reason why Ian was here. The most important thing was to know the hatching method of the egg.

"I don't know."

Contrary to his expectations, Lanson just scratched his head and said that he don't know the hatching method.


Why does a high ranking summoner NPC not know about the hatching method of an egg?

Even if it was a rare egg, he should at least know something about it. That's why Ian asked again, just to confirm.

"You don't know anything about it."

"No, an elemental moon egg is a rare thing even in the elemental egg category. Only the association head would know of the hatching method."

"Where can I find him?"

"He's in the North continent currently. He will only come back in six months."

'Six months!!'

Ian couldn't wait that long.

He had to find some other way to know the hatching method of the random pet egg. He didn't have much time to waste.

As Ian was thinking about what he could do, Lanson suddenly said.

"Actually, there's a way to know the hatching method of the egg!!"