Chapter 43. Feelings (?)

Chapter 43. Feelings (?)

"What do you mean? You should know my grades better than myself. Even if I study hard, I can only enter a third rate university at most."

Lu Fei said like it was already a fact.

Even if he tried and got into a third rate university, he would just be wasting his time away and time was the most precious thing for him.

A third rate university was called third rate, not only because the education system of the university was bad, but also because of the students there.

He would just be mingling with the wrong crowd if he entered such a university.

"I'm not telling you to enter a third rate university."

Fang Xue shook her head when she heard Lu Fei's words.


"You should see this."

Instead of explaining it to him, Fang Xue just turned her laptop towards him. It was more easier and faster this way.

'What's this?'

Lu Fei stared at the laptop his eyes widened when he saw the website opened on the laptop. It was the official website of Peking University.

On the website, there was a title on the top' Virtual reality course'. Below it, there was a explanation about the course.

Lu Fei carefully read the whole explanation, word by word.

* * *

Video games have become an important part of our life and culture, the amount of people, playing games regularly constantly increases.

It has even passed the mark of 1 billion.

After virtual reality came to our lives and the revolutionary Ark appeared, our university opened a faculty, devoted to video games and virtual reality.

There we study the entire history of the video game industry, from the very beginning to virtual reality.

Moreover, we will study the core of virtual reality technology and how it came into being.

*Conditions to apply:

-Records of achievements related to videogames, it would be appreciated if it's related to Ark.

-High school diploma.

*After provided information is checked, you will be interviewed by one of the professors of the virtual reality course, that will check the applicant's knowledge and make the final decision.

* * *

'Virtual reality as a course!'

For Lu Fei, it was an attractive thing. He had already experienced virtual reality and it had managed to attract him.

Although, he didn't know much about the system of virtual reality or how it worked, it was still a intriguing topic for him.

He was much more interested in it than subjects like maths, science and humanities.

"What do you think of it?"

Fang Xue asked with a slight smile on her face. She had already noticed that Lu Fei's interest had been piqued.

"It's rather intriguing. I think that studying virtual reality is really interesting."

Virtual reality technology was finally delivered in 2030 and it was still considered a new type of technology, with endless possibilities.

It was already being studied by top scientist or by graduate students of Oxford and Harvard University, but it was not open to everyone.

But with several universities adding the courses of virtual reality, it was now opened to the general public too.

Many people, especially professional gamers were inclined to be attracted by it.

It was a chance to get a university degree while learning about the thing they loved the most- Ark and virtual reality.

"Then, will you be interested in entering Peking university? You can also choose some other university of your choice."

Fang Xue thought that Lu Fei would immediately agree. She was much more confident because of his interested look.

But Lu Fei shook his head and refused.

"No, my decision is still the same."

"You don't have to worry about grades. Just the minimum passing grade is enough. You just need to have some achievements in games and some knowledge about virtual reality."

"No, I don't want to enter university."

Fang Xue tried to persuade him but Lu Fei was still adamant on his decision.

'He is too stubborn!!'

Fang Xue furrowed her eyebrows and frowned. She didn't know how to deal with Lu Fei's stubborn attitude.

"Can you tell me the reason behind your refusal?"

"First of all, it would be too time consuming and it's not like I can just skip classes in university. Second, university fees are high. I would rather spend that much for my sister's education."


Another frown leaked out of Fang Xue's mouth when she heard that.

She was frustrated that Lu Fei was still thinking of skipping classes. She wanted to scold him, but she still kept a calm manner.

"You should think about yourself too. Think about your future too, not just your sister's."

"My sister's future is more important."

Lu Fei had already decided to abandon his future for his sister's. He won't go back on his decision.

"Then, do you think that your sister would be happy with a brother with only a high school diploma? Think about it carefully."

Fang Xue suddenly said and Lu Fei started to seriously ponder about it.

'My sister will surely get into a good university and she will even get a high paying job.'

Lu Xiaomei was always a bright student and Lu Fei was confident that she would get into a university like Peking University or Tsinghua University.

That was enough for her to get a good job.

But she won't stay with Lu Fei forever. She was already entering her rebellious phase.

It would become much worse in the future.

'My sister will surely be embarrassed with a brother with just a high school diploma.'

Lu Fei was not sure if his sister would want to associate herself with him. They would only grow more apart from each other.

His sister would even be embarrassed to introduce him to her future boyfriend.

She can't just say that Lu Fei is just a high school graduate and did part-time jobs and played games to earn money.

'Moreover, this is also what my sister wanted.'

His sister was bugging him everyday to become serious about university. She would even pack herself into her room and refuse to eat dinner.

In the end, Lu Fei had to give her share of dinner to the street dogs. His heart was still pained when he thought of the dogs happily eating the food.

It was just a wastage of food!!

At least, Lu Fei thought like that. Thinking of all that, Lu Fei hesitated for a second. Fang Xue perceived that and said.

"Your sister will obviously not want to associate herself with you. She may even begin to ignore you in the future."

'I can't let that happen.'

Him getting ignored by his sister was akin to killing him off. His sister was everything to him.

So, Lu Fei would surely be sad if his sister began to ignore him.

"Then, what should I do?"

"Get into a good university. That's the least you can do."

"Even if I decided to get into a good university, I don't even know if I will pass."

There was less than four months to the national college entrance examinations. There was not much time to prepare.

Lu Fei wasn't even sure if he could pass.

"You don't have to worry about it. I can give you tutoring. That will at least help you to pass the entrance exams."

Fang Xue said that like it was not a big deal but Lu Fei made a troubled face and replied.

"Ms. Fang, I can't pay you for tutoring."

"When did I ever asked for your money?"

Fang Xue said as she squinted her eyes. She was feeling angry because Lu Fei thought that she was doing it for money.

'Why is she showing kindness?'

Lu Fei was someone who had lived in the cruel fantasy world. Aside from his master, no one was kind to him.

He was always careful because people could backstab him anytime but when he observed Fang Xue, there was no greed or any other bad thoughts on her face.

Lu Fei was confident in his ability to gauge people.

So, he could easily tell that Fang Xue was actually a kind woman. She was even willing to teach him without taking any money.

It was not something people would do in this age.

Still, Lu Fei decided to ask.

"Ms. Fang, is there any specific reasons behind you helping me?"

Fang Xue was taken back with Lu Fei's sudden question. Without her realising, a sudden blush appeared on her cheeks.

It was good that she managed to compose herself in time or else, she would have embarrassed herself in front of Lu Fei.

"Do, do I need a reason to help out a student?"

She unintentionally raised her voice while saying that.

'What's happening with me?'

She wondered why she was so startled. She also reminded herself again that the relationship between her and Lu Fei was just of a teacher and a student.

But at this point, she was just lying to herself.

Of course, Lu Fei didn't notice the inner turmoils happening in Fang Xue's mind.

'She's acting weird.'

Instead, he was thinking that Fang Xue was acting strange. Just a while ago, she was talking in a calm and composed manner.

But now, she was clearly flustered for some reason.

"Ms. Fang, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

Fang Xue finally managed to calm herself down. She quickly changed the topic and asked.

"So, will you enter a university?"

There was no reason to think now. His sister wanted him to get into a good university and even, Fang Xue was willing to help him.

He would just waste this chance if he said no.

"I will work hard to enter one."

'I finally made him agree.'

Fang Xue smiled when she thought that and seeing her gleaming smile, Lu Fei was stunned for a second.

Her smile was like the cold rain on a hot sunny day. One that would make you forget all worries of life and would clean your soul.

'Her future husband will be a lucky man.'

Lu Fei thought with a tinge of sadness. He was sure that Fang Xue would get a rich and handsome guy who would be working in a big company.

Maybe, he can even be like that Chen Yaozhi who Lu Fei had seen previously in the restaurant.

For some reason, Lu Fei felt some sadness in his heart but he didn't think much about it, and left her office.

As he had decided to enter university, he would have to work harder.


'He is finally gone.'

As Lu Fei left her office, Fang Xue was finally able to relax. She thought of her earlier flustered behavior and couldn't help but scold herself.

"Why do I always act flustered in front of him?"

Fang Xue asked herself but there was no one to give an answer. It was not like she didn't know the reason behind it, but she refused to accept it.

When she thought of the reason, a reddish blush appeared on her face. It was much more stronger than before.

She even facepalmed her face, even when there was no one in the office, aside from her.


At that moment, Fang Xue suddenly got a message on her phone.

She shook her head and quickly took out her phone, thinking that it was an important message but reading the message, she couldn't help but frown.

It was a message from Chen Yaozhi.

He was constantly asking her out since the day they had seen each other at the restaurant.

She didn't know how to get rid of him.

She had already rejected him several times but he kept coming back. She had to admit that he was really persistent.

'I hope he doesn't bother me again!'

Fang Xue deleted the message thinking like that.