Chapter 46. Goblin massacre (1)

Chapter 46. Goblin massacre (1)


One of the Goblin cried as he leaped towards Ian. There was a short sword in his hand which was pointed at Ian's chest.

The Goblin pushed with all his strength, but his efforts were futile from the start.


'I'm not an easy opponent.'

Ian thought in his head as he twisted his body to dodge the Goblin's attack, and then, he kicked the Goblin in his chest.

After that, he picked up his spear, plunged into the head of a dead Goblin, and swung it around.

Blood spluttered out as those messages appeared before Ian's eyes, but he didn't have time to look at them.

He was standing in the middle of more than 100 Goblins. There was no time to even take a breather in this situation.

'Their levels are around 30.'

Ian made an approximation in his head as he looked at the Goblins. Almost all the Goblins were looking at him, it was the same for the vigilant guards and the villagers.

He was currently at level 43.

It was a 13 level difference, and with Ian's skill, the difference was much more significant. Still, he couldn't take the Goblins lightly.

The Goblins were impulsive and low leveled, but their lack of skill was easily compensated due to their vast numbers.

'I have to be careful.'

Ian thought, and suddenly, he saw four Goblins rushing towards him.

They were the Goblins who hadn't crossed the fence yet. Seeing the death of their comrade, they charged at Ian with anger.

"Ah, no!!"

"He will die!!"

The farmers who were defending the fence cried out when they saw that, and only Tacan was calm while looking at Ian.

'His face has no fear.'

He thought as he looked over the battle. Ian's face showed no sign of fear. His face was instead filled with excitement.

Slash! Thrust!

One of the Goblin slashed at Ian's ankle, but Ian blocked the attack with his spear.

Then, he applied force and twisted his spear like it was a snake. He slashed at the Goblin's neck, and blood spluttered out.


Ian didn't have any time to relax, as there were still three Goblins left. The second Goblin tried to stab Ian.

But it was not just one Goblin. The other two Goblins also attacked from the sides.

It was a situation where Ian would be hit no matter what, but his face was still calm like he was not going to be attacked.

In any battle, one couldn't be impulsive as impulsiveness and anger would lead to mistakes. This was the first thing his master had taught him.

'I won't be injured by these Goblin bastards.'

Ian quickly activated his skill' spiral spear'. A violent spiral vortex appeared on the tip of his spear, and Ian swung it in a circle.

It was like a red line was forming in air as the vortex sucked in the air and violently released it towards the charging Goblins.



The Goblins didn't even have time to touch Ian as their heads had already fallen from their neck.

It was a swift attack that had killed the Goblins. Ian's skill was like a whirlwind, a violent one, and it devoured the Goblins.

'What was that?'

Tacan thought as he looked at Ian. He was shocked to see the skill Ian used. It was not a basic skill that was easy to use.

'Is he a chosen one?'

Tacan pondered in his mind, but he shook his head as he wanted to focus on the battle more.

Swish! Whoosh!

Ian quickly swung around the spear. Wherever his spear moved, the head or arm of a Goblin would fly out.

'I will kill you all.'

Ian quickly used vital thrust, and a red light followed the trajectory of his spear.

His spear plunged into the chest of one of the Goblins, and Ian lifted it up. Then, he threw the Goblin towards another one.


The dead Goblin slammed into a charging Goblin, and both of them fell. Ian didn't focus on them much as more and more Goblins were attacking him from every direction.


Ian cursed as he felt a cut on his arm, but he composed himself and quickly slashed the Goblin in half.


Then, he twisted his body and kicked another Goblin. All of his attacks were refined, and they were all connected to each other.

Ian stomped his spear into the ground and taking the support from it, he kicked the Goblins as he spun around.

Swish! Swish!

Although he was killing Goblins every second, more and more Goblins were coming after him.

Most of the Goblins were focusing on Ian, as their instincts were telling them that if they defeated Ian, then trampling the village would be easy.


A Goblin cried out as Ian stabbed his neck with his spear, and then, he used the skill vital thrust on another Goblin.

Then, a kick, a slash, a stab, and Ian again used spiral spear.

Like that, Ian kept fighting the Goblins. In just half an hour, he had killed more than 100 goblins, but around 50 Goblins were left.

Although Ian had allocated points in his stamina, he still was not high leveled.

Fighting more than 100 Goblins had depleted his stamina, and his evasion speed and killing speed was decreasing.

It was to the point that the Goblins attacks had started to leave a few scratches on his body.

Slash! Swish!

Ian twisted his Crevice spear as he stabbed a Goblin that was trying to attack him with a short sword. The Goblin was not even able to let out a cry as he died on the spot.

Stabbing was the basic spear attack, and Ian knew how to use it well.


As Ian killed one Goblin, he turned around and smashed a Goblin's head with the stick part of his spear.


"Ahhh鈥t hurts!!"

But at that moment, he suddenly felt a stab.

Ian turned to look at the Goblin who had stabbed him, and momentary anger dawned on him as he quickly made a strike with his spear.

A red light followed the trajectory of his spear, and the Goblin was killed.

He was nothing in front of Ian, but due to the stab, Ian has started to bleed.

That message appeared in front of him, and Ian cursed inwardly. His health was depleted to just 28%, and his bleeding status was worsening it.

No one could come out scratchless after fighting more than 100 Goblins. Ian was also the same. He had killed most of the Goblins, but he wasn't able to avoid all their attacks.

He was bleeding from some parts of his body.

'I have to finish it quickly.'.

Ian thought as he looked at the remaining Goblins. He hadn't realized it, but there were only five Goblins left now.

Four of them were normal Goblins while the last one was bigger than the rest of the Goblins. He was probably the leader.


The leader cried like he was ordering the remaining Goblins to attack Ian, and they rushed towards him.

Ian tightly gripped his spear as he waited for them to reach him.


The first Goblin attacked with his handaxe, and Ian dodged it by lowering his head. Then, he stabbed the spear into his body.

There was no time to rest as Ian twisted his body and attacked another Goblin. He then blocked the attack from another Goblin.

Like that Ian killed the other two Goblins and finished the last remaining Goblin by stabbing him in the chin.

It was a cruel death for all of them.

"Only one is left now."

Ian muttered as he wiped off the Goblin's blood from his cheek.

The leader of the Goblins was looking at him with cold eyes. Anger was well apparent on his face, and his grip on his sword was tight.

He couldn't wait to smash Ian's head for killing his subordinates.


With that cry, the leader quickly rushed towards Ian, and Ian also prepared himself for the assault.


The leader swung his sword horizontally like he wanted to slice off Ian's neck, but Ian dodged by crouching.

Then, he swung around his spear and twisted his body. The sword and spear collided, and sparks flew out everywhere.

Clang! Pang!

The leader's strength was higher than the other Goblins, and he had more control over his movements and on his sword.

He was trying to attack Ian's vital points, but Ian was blocking his attacks with ease.

It would be laughable if Ian let the leader strike his vital points. A mercenary would always protect his vital points no matter what.

Swish! Trust!

'It's time to finish it.'

Ian thought in his head, and then, he violently swung his spear around. He was going to finish the Goblin leader in one strike.

The leader perceived Ian's attack, but he was not able to do anything.

Ian's attack was not something he could easily break. Especially because it was Ian's original skill- Triple thrust.

Ian first thrust his spear upwards, hitting just below the leader's neck.

Then, in just a sudden second, he turned his body around, striking the leader's chest with the pole part of the spear.

A pained growl leaked out of the leader's mouth, but before he could respond, Ian went on to make the final strike.

He backed up a step back and lowered his body, then he thrust towards the leader's neck with a devastating strike.


A miserable cry rang out from the Goblin leader's mouth as his whole body turned into red shards of light.

It was an unfortunate end for him!

Red light surrounded his whole body as Ian's health was restored to the brim. With this level up, Ian was now at level 44.

It was an excellent thing for him.

Ian was thinking of using a potion to heal himself, but leveling up had saved him the cost of a mid-grade potion.

That's why Ian really liked leveling up after a fierce battle.

"Who is he?"

"He killed all the Goblins alone."

"Is he a chosen one? He doesn't look like a knight. So, he can only be a chosen one?"

Ian turned his head towards the villagers when he heard those murmurs.

The villagers were cautious of Ian as they had just seen him kill hundreds of Goblins alone. Although he had saved them, they still didn't know If Ian was a friend or enemy.

It was common to respect and fear the strong ones. The villagers of Ale village had never seen someone as powerful as Ian.

It was a remote village. So, there was less chance of any high-level player appearing here.

"Thank you for saving our lives."

In the end, a middle-aged man with a rough beard came out from the crowd of villagers and bowed towards Ian.

He was Tacan, the leader of the vigilant guards.

"You don't have to say thank you. I just did what I deemed right."

"No, you saved our lives. We would be eternally grateful for that. We have nothing we can give in return aside from our gratitude. We will forever remember your help."

Before Ian could respond to Tacan's words, a system message appeared in front of Ian.

Ian couldn't help but simile when he saw those messages. They were the same rewards one would get after clearing a village saving quest.

Ian quickly opened his status to check his fame and realized that his fame had increased by 7000, but there was a problem.

'Shouldn't one get 10000 fame after clearing a village saving quest?'

A player would get 10000 fame after clearing a village saving quest, but Ian had only gotten 7000. He felt like he was cheated.

But Ian hadn't accepted a village saving quest from the start. He was saving the village because he would fail the quest from the Count if the Ale village was destroyed.

He dismissed this as a penalty.

Ian couldn't bother with it much. He was here to get the antidote for the former Count.

"Can I enter the Ale village?"

"Ah, yeah. You can."

Tacan hurriedly gestured the guards to open the gates, and Ian finally entered the Ale village.