Chapter 51. Goblins nest (2)

Chapter 51. Goblins nest (2)


A Goblin opened his mouth like he was indicating something to his group. One of his hands was on his stomach.

It was the indication that he was hungry and they should quickly find some food.


Another Goblin growled at him like he was scoffing him.

Many players, especially the newbies, don't know that monsters are capable of speech. Most of them can't speak the human language but they can still understand it.

Every type of monster has their own unique way of talking and they can also communicate with their tribes or groups this way.




Like that, a conversation was going on between the group of seven Goblins. They had come out from their nest to look for food.

The conversation was about which monster they should hunt. One of the Goblins wanted to hunt a Horned rabbit.

While another one wanted to hunt a Wild boar. There was friction between the two of them and the rest of the Goblins were contemplating on which monster to hunt.

Hunting a Horned rabbit was easy but its taste was unsatisfactory while hunting a Wild boar would take a lot of them and there was even risk of getting killed by the Wild boar.


Suddenly, one Goblin roared and looked angrily at the other Goblins.

He was saying that he was hungry and he could just eat anything to satisfy his hunger. Three of the Goblins nodded with him.

They were in favour of his words, but as another Goblin was going to refute it, he suddenly heard a voice.


He let out a confused voice and warned the other Goblins.

Then, he walked towards the place where the voice had come from. Suddenly, he noticed a flash like thing.


He shouted towards the other Goblins but before he knew it, something had exploded in front of him.

Crash! Boom!

With a boom sound, The Goblin crashed into a tree and he let out a whimpering cry as he succumbed to his death.

It was the fire type spell 'flame burst'.


Seeing that, another Goblin quickly responded and became alert but it was already too late.

Swish! Slash!

A burly middle aged man sprinted towards them with a sword in his hand. He slashed at one of the Goblins and the Goblin was cut in half.

Blood splattered on the middle aged man and the other Goblins became scared seeing this.

They decided to run as it was the best course of action in this situation, but as they turned backwards to run, they noticed someone standing there.

It was a man with a green spear in his hand.

At that moment, the man was the same as the God of death, Hades to them. The Goblins were not even able to respond before the man attacked.


He swung his spear at one of the Goblin and blood spluttered out from the cut on his stomach. Then, he quickly twisted his body.

There was another Goblin standing there but that Goblin didn't just stand there. He decided to attack with his sword.

Swish! Clang!

The sword and the spear collided but the Goblin was quickly overpowered in strength and he was pushed back.

Then, the man twisted his spear like a snake and slashed at him.


The Goblin died but the remaining three Goblins finally decided to stop being startled, and attacked.

But it was already too late.


One of the Goblin was attacked by the middle aged man and his neck was cut off from his body. Another Goblin was burned to ashes by the elf magician.

The third and last Goblin was killed in an instant by the slash of the spear.


He cried out as he took his last breath!!

That message appeared in front of Ian as he finished off the last Goblin. Ian dismissed the message and looked at his party members.

Their ambush had gone way better than they had thought.

"It was easier than I thought."

Alice said in a dissatisfied tone like she wanted to participate in a much fiercer battle.

"Well, they are Goblins. What will you expect? I think we will have many fierce battles in the Goblins nest later."

Alice's eyes shined when she heard that.

Fierce battles means that she will be able to get some great footage. She can't help but grin thinking about that.

'Why is she grinning like a stupid person?'

Ian wondered but he didn't ask. He can't waste his time talking to Alice.

"I think the Goblins nest would be quite close to here."

Tacan said and Ian nodded and replied at his words.

"Yeah, I think so too but it would take a lot of time to find it. It would be good if we have something like a dog to search the Goblins nest."

Ian said the last part as a joke but Alice's eyes shined when she heard that.

"You said a dog would help."

"Yeah, it will. A dog can smell the scent of the Goblins here and lead us to their nest, but we don't have a dog with us."

"We don't have a dog but I have something that can help."

"What is it?"

"Just wait and see what this elf magician can do."

Alice said as she excitedly started chanting some sort of spell.

Spells were different than skills as all of the spells cost mana to activate. Even some skills cost mana to activate like the spiral spear or Karios blessing.

But what makes spells and skills more different are that spells need an incantation to use it.

Actually, it was not necessary as players can just directly use them too, but many players will try to chant the whole spell.

It was because of two reasons.

Chanting the whole spell increases the strength of the spell and the second reason was that many players like role-playing.

They would role play as real life elves or blacksmiths. Some of them will even start to treat their character in Ark as their second life.


After finishing the spell, Alice raised up her index finger. She started to draw the silver magical formula in the air.

It was a weird and complex pattern for Ian to understand but he was indeed fascinated by it, as it was the first time he had seen such type of magic in Ark.

It was like the magic he had seen when he had visited the magic tower in the fantasy world.

More surprised that Ian was Tacan. It was the first time he was seeing this type of magic.

He was already surprised by the earlier flame burst by Alice. Seeing the complex patterns forming in the air, he couldn't help but awe at the sight.

"Wolf spirit!!"

Alice quickly completed the magical formula and triggered the next part of the spell. Then, the silver lights became thicker.

The complex patterns turned into a magic door and they slowly opened. The silver light came out from the gap between the doors.

'Something is coming out.'

'She said it was a wolf spirit, right?'

Those thoughts appeared in the mind of Ian and Tacan as they glanced at the slowly opened door.


A howl suddenly came out from the door and something struggled to get out from the silver door.


That something quickly came out of the door and fell to the ground. The wolf spirit whimpered slightly but he soon got up.

Seeing the green wolf spirit, Ian couldn't help but feel shock. It was not because it was the first time he was seeing a wolf spirit. It was because the wolf spirit was more of a…

'It's a pup?'

The wolf spirit was not a tall and ferocious wolf but it was actually a pup.

The wolf spirit, no the pup spirit was even looking at Ian and the rest of them with cute eyes. He even let out a cute growl.

"What is this? Didn't you chant a spell for a wolf spirit?"

Ian turned towards Alice and asked.

"Can't you see that it's a wolf spirit?"

"No, more than a wolf, it looks like a pup. No, it is a genuine puppy."

"It's a wolf spirit!!"

Alice said in a raised voice but Ian was still glaring at her. In the end, Alice explained.

"Actually, it takes a lot of mana to use conjuring magic and my level of this spell is also not that high, but it's not like we are using the wolf spirit to fight anyway."

"Yeah, but can it find a way to the Goblins nest."

Ian asked with uncertainty. Tacan was also worried about it.

"Yeah, it can. Just watch!"

Alice said as he sat on her knees and patted the wolf spirit. Then, she ordered him to look for the Goblins nest.


The wolf spirit quickly nodded his head and let out a cute growl. Then, he began to sniffle around.

As they had just killed the Goblins, the smell of them was still in the air. It didn't take much time for the wolf spirit to find something.


He let out a growl and gestured with his chin. It was saying that he wanted them to follow him. Ian nodded and the three of them started following the wolf spirit around.

The wolf spirit quickly found the trail of the Goblins and led them to a wider plain area.

'Will we be able to find the location of the cave?'

Ian pondered as he followed the wolf spirit. He decided to believe the elf magician Alice for now. It was not like he had any other way.


The wolf spirit finally stopped after a while. It even took an alert position.

The three of them stopped and Ian stepped forward. He found that there was indeed a cave in front of him.

He was also sure that it was the cave that led to the Goblins nest.

It was because there were two Goblins guarding the entrance of the cave. They both had a spear in their hands and they were alert.

"The cave is there."

Ian whispered to the two of them and both Tacan and Alice became serious. It was finally the time to venture into the cave.

"What will we do about the two Goblins guarding the entrance?"

"Can't we just kill them?"

Ian shook his head when Alice said that. Then, he began to explain.

"Look at their waist."

Alice looked at the waist of the two Goblins and noticed that there was a horn binded on their waist.

"They will surely blow the horn if they notice something strange. If we made a single mistake, then. the other Goblins will be alerted."

"Then, what should we do?"

Tacan asked and Ian fell into his thoughts.

In this situation, he really wished that they had an assassin in their party. Assassins are masters of stealth attacks.

Their skill stealth was one of the most basic and deadly skills in Ark.

Assassins was a class to fathom with because of their stealth skills. They were even known as the 'people who live in the shadows'.

'I can use that.'

Although there was no assassin in their party, Ian still has something that can take the place of an assassin's stealth skill.

A smirk formed on the lips of Ian as he looked at his cloak!