Chapter 67. The seventh hero (2)

Chapter 67. The seventh hero (2)


There would hardly be any players who would not know of this name.

Whenever one would think of the name Rachel, they would think of a peerless beauty firing different types of arrows while using her parkour skills.

That was Rachel, the bow princess.

Not only was she one of the famous rankers in Ark, she was also one of the top 5 highest level Chinese players in Ark.

Not only that, she was also really famous in real life. She was known as the princess of the Yang family.

The Yang family was one of the richest families in China. One can guess that she doesn't have any need for money.

Despite being rich, Rachel was still earning millions of dollars.

Apart from that, she was the guild leader of the Storm breaker guild which was one of the top 30 guilds in the world.

These things were enough to make her a celebrity both in real life and Ark.

Recently, she's been doing an A rank quest and for that, she was going to different places to find information.

One of those places was the capital of the Althiem empire, Arth.

She was here to find a scripture necessary for her to advance her A rank quest. She's been here for over a month because of that.

She and the Storm breaker guild were trying to find the whereabouts of the scripture for too long and they finally got a clue recently.

The scripture was apparently on the third floor of the public library.

As she was a ranker and also the guild master of one of the top guilds, she didn't have any problem getting inside the public library.

She doesn't even have to take approval from a noble, as she herself was bestowed with the title of Baroness by the emperor himself.

She was one of the few people in the entire Ark to become a noble.

It was easy for her to get inside the third floor of the public library but the real problem started after that.

The third floor was too big and she didn't know where the scripture was.

That's why she was looking for the scripture for three days. When the system update happened, she was still on the third floor of the public library.

After Rachel had entered Ark after the system update, she was hurrying to find the scripture.

It was because she didn't want to give the other guilds a chance to hunt at the new regions first.

She had already sent a raid team to hunt in the Snowy mountains, but she wanted to be there in person.

Because of that, she was looking all over for the scripture.

Just as she was looking around, she had collided with Ian.

At first, she had thought that it was a NPC. Him being a player was nonsensical as to enter the third floor, one needs the approval of a noble.

There are only a few people who would even meet with nobles, much less get an approval from them.

It was logical for her to think that Ian was a NPC.

Not only had she never seen him, his armour was also low leveled. The most likely scenario was that Ian was a hidden NPC.

But she was wrong.

Ian himself has told her that he was a player.

Rachel was really confused when she had heard that. Ian was clearly low leveled but he was still able to get the approval of a noble.

The possibility that Ian can be a noble himself didn't even cross the mind of Rachel.

'He is able to get a Noble's approval. He is mostly a super rookie from a big guild but I didn't hear about any guild recruiting a super rookie.'

Her mind was moving at an unprecedented speed as she thought about what she can say here.

In the end, she had decided to ask directly.

"Which guild are you from?"

* * *

"Ah… I'm not from any guild."

Ian answered truthfully as he looked at Rachel in front of him.

From her expression, Ian can guess that she didn't believe him at all. She again opened her mouth.

"Don't lie! I can find out which guild you are from in an instant. It's best not to lie."

"... I'm really not lying."


Rachel just stood there with a dumbfounded expression when she heard that. She could not see any traces of lies on Ian's face.

Still, she has seen many individuals who can hide lies without even flinching. They were the people who always wore a mask.

Ian was probably one of them. At least, that's what Rachel was thinking.

"Anyway, I am here to look for something."

He just can't stand there and wait for Rachel to open her mouth. There were more important things than her.

Ian was curious about her identity, but he was not that curious to stop searching for Piolan's book.

"I'm also looking for something."

"Hope you will get it soon then."

Ian said as he turned back and started searching on another shelf.

'Who is he?'

That question was going on in Rachel's mind but she didn't have a way of knowing the answer. She also can't just forget about her quest.

That's why, she also turned around and started looking for the scripture.

At the same time, she decided to investigate the identity of Ian later. For some reason, Rachel was really interested in him.

It was strange because not many things would interest her.

* * *

'I finally found it!!'

Ian shouted inwardly as he looked at the old tattered book in front of him. The book was titled 'Piolan's hatching methods'.

The cover of the book was in red and it was looking really old. Ian was glad that it was still readable.

"Let's not waste anymore time."

He muttered that and finally opened the book.

The book was about the hatching methods Master Tamer Piolan had learned in his lifetime.

Most of the hatching methods were about elemental eggs.

Like how, you have to go to the Forest of elves to hatch a wind elemental egg and how you have to look for the Altar of Nepharilius to hatch a water elemental egg.

Ian just skimmed through those information and started looking for information about the moon elemental egg.

'Fire elemental egg, earth elemental egg, star elemental egg… Where the heck is the moon elemental egg??'

Ian kept flipping pages but there was no sight of the hatching method of the moon elemental egg.

He even began to think that Lansan had lied to him until he finally found the moon elemental egg hatching method.

'Here it is!'

Ian cheered in his heart as he began reading the hatching method and information about the moon elemental egg.

Unlike other eggs, the information on it was little.

It was probably because of the rarity of moon elemental eggs. Ian thought that the moon elemental eggs were rarer than he had imagined.

'At least the information is clear.'

Ian was thankful that the information was clearly written and he was able to understand most of it.

He can even imagine the vast experience Piolan had, just by reading the lines he had written.

He was not called the Master tamer Piolan for nothing.

"Mount Luna…"

After reading through the whole page, Ian was able to find the method of hatching his egg.

"I have to visit Mount Luna then."

One more place was added to Ian's list of places he had to visit in the future.

Ian even wanted to go to Mount Luna first as getting a companion was more necessary than anything for him.

After knowing the hatching method, Ian didn't close the book.

Instead, he decided to read the whole book, especially more information about the moon elemental egg and the monsters that can hatch from it.

Why was he bothering to read the whole book?

It was because of his quest which was given by Lanson. The conditions to fulfil the quest was to tell Lanson about the contents of the whole book.

Ian was worried that if he tried to tell him half-assed information, the quest would not complete.

Anyway, having more information was never a bad thing.

After reading through all that, Ian's expectations could not help but be raised.

He didn't know which monster would come out from the random pet egg, but he was really expectant.

'A Lunar wolf or a Xyneros.'

Both of them were powerful and rare monsters. Ian was content with either of them.

He quickly read through all the information on the moon elemental monster and began reading about the other hatching methods.

It took him more than 2 hours to read through the whole book.

As he read the last page, someone strange happened. A system message appeared in front of him.

'Your fame has increased due to reading a book written by a Master Tamer.>

'Is that even possible?'

Ian stared in surprise at those system messages. He didn't know that you can get fame and intelligence this way.

At the same time, he wondered if his intelligence and fame would increase if he read other books but he quickly shook that thought away.

He had previously read the book about Nar herbs but nothing had happened.

The reason his intelligence and fame has increased this time was probably because he had read a book written by a famous individual such as Piolan.

'Maybe I can read more books by famous people….'

Ian thought that for a second but quickly rejected that thought.

Although it had a good effect, Ian didn't have that much time to sit in the library and look for books by famous individuals.

He won't be able to earn money that way.

"I should go find Lanson."

After thinking all that, Ian muttered and stretched his body. Then, he picked up the book and went towards the bookshelf.

He always had a habit of putting back the book in its right place.

Ian put the book in its spot firmly but something strange happened at that moment.


As soon as Ian put the book, it bounced off and fell to the ground. Ian again pushed the book but it bounced back again.

'What's going on?'

He thought and looked inside the spot. He noticed something there.

'A box.'

There was a box placed there.

After noticing the box, Ian looked around him and didn't notice anyone. He thought that Rachel may have already left as he was not able to find her.

"There can be a treasure inside the box…"

Ian thought as he thanked the goddess of luck. He then carefully pulled out the box and went to a table.

He stared at it for a second before opening it up.

"... What the heck…??"