Chapter 69. Registration (1)

Chapter 69. Registration (1)

"Thank you for telling me about the hatching methods of Master Tamer Piolan."

"It's okay."

Ian looked towards the high ranking summoner Lanson.

At the same time, a message appeared before Ian.

After getting the second piece of the mysterious slate, Ian had quickly left the public library and came to the summoners association.

He wanted to finish one of his quests quickly.

Here, he found Lanson and told him all about the contents of the book 'Piolan's hatching method'.

Lanson was surprised to see Ian as he hadn't thought that he would be able to complete the quest so soon.

"Why don't you sit around and have some tea?"

"No, I have something to do."

"That's a pity."

Lanson said with a disappointed expression.

Ian had helped him a lot. So, he at least wanted to offer him some tea but Ian was in a hurry.

'I have to check out the Coliseum.'

Ian wanted to check out the Coliseum and found more information about the Arena event.

There was also the matter with his random pet egg. He has to go to Mount Luna and after that, Ian would go to the Ancient ruins.

There was also the matter of the blood he had received after killing the Goblin king.

The system has told him to go to the City of magic.

Ian had lots of quests pending and he can't waste more of his time.

That's why, he opened his mouth.

"Well, the reward…"

"Oh! Yes, I have prepared a sufficient reward for all of your troubles."

Lanson quickly realised that he hadn't given Ian the reward.

He hurriedly stood up from his seat and left the room. Ian waited in the room and wondered about the reward.

'It would be something special since I have completed a C+ grade quest.'

The more difficult the quest, the more special the reward would be.

This was common knowledge among the players and even the common people.

"Sorry for the delay."

Lanson returned after five minutes and there was a small box in his hand. He placed the box in front of Ian.

"What's in this?"

"It's something my master had given me before he died but I don't have a use of it. I think it would be useful to you."

Ian's eyes shook when he heard that and his hands which were about to open the box stopped.

He suddenly remembered his own master.

'That old man had also given me something before taking his last breath.'

The thing Ian's master had given him was a pendant.

Ian had taken care of it till he took his last breath. It was unfortunate that the pendant was left with his dead body in the fantasy world.

Thinking about all that, Ian shook his head.

"No, it should be precious since your late master had given it to you. I can't just take it."


Lanson was surprised when he heard that.

Normally, chosen ones would hop over the reward like hungry wolves but Ian was not willing to take the reward because Lanson's dead master had given it to him.

'He's different.'

That thought appeared in Lanson's mind and he smiled as he said.

"You are really different from the usual chosen ones I have dealt with."

At the same time, that message appeared in front of Ian but he ignored it and focused on Lanson's words.

"Normally, chosen ones won't care about anything else until they are getting their reward."

'It's because they are playing a game.'

Ian held back those words and silently listened to Lanson.

If Ian hadn't remembered his master, then he would also be the same as the other players.

No, Ian would be worse than average players.

"Still, I want you to take this reward."

"No, it's your maste…"

"My master left this because he thought that it would be useful to me but I'm more interested in research. I don't have any use of it."

Lanson interrupted Ian as he said that but Ian was still not willing.


"It would just be thrown away if it stayed with me. On the other hand, you would be able to utilise it."

Despite Ian's unwillingness, Lanson was adamant.

He would not budge from his decision and in the end, Ian didn't have any choice.

"I would accept it."

Ian decided to take the reward and looked towards the box again.

'What's in it?'

He thought as he opened it and the thing inside of the box was…

"A skill book."

There was a green book inside the box. It was a skill book that players can use to get skills.

Skills books were also the easiest method to acquire skills.

At the same time, they were really rare. A single common grade skill book can go for 5k USD on the item transaction site.

"Yeah, it's an epic grade skill book that my master left for me. It's an offensive type skill related to spear. So, I think it would help you."

"E-epic grade skill book!!"

Ian stood up from his seat when he heard that.

An epic grade skill book was something that only those large guilds would have. Its value was enormous among the players.

'It would go for at least 50k USD depending on the skill.'

Ian could not help but gulp when he thought that.

If he sold it, then he would be one step closer to paying his debt but he didn't take a decision hastily.

'Lanson said it's related to spear and it's an offensive skill too.'

It was because he needed some good spear skills currently.

He only had vital thrust, triple thrust, spiral spear and now, spear blast.

They were good skills but if he wanted to fight more powerful monsters, then he would need more skills.

'Let's check the skill book first.'

Ian thought and held the skill book in his hand.

* * *

-Active skill

-Proficiency: Beginner level 1

-Grade: Epic

-Cool down: 3 minutes

-Mana: 500

-Create spheres of lightning around the tip of the spear.

-The damage inflicted would be increased by 250%. There is a chance of calling a lighting spirit.

-If the lightning spirit got summoned, then the damage inflicted would double.

* * *

"250% damage!!"

Ian stared at shock at the skill book in his hand.

Even his spear blast skill can only inflict 110% damage and his cool down time was even 5 minutes.

It was much worse than lightning spear

It was indeed an epic skill. No ordinary skill can inflict that much damage and the damage can also increase if Ian can call a lightning spirit.

Although Ian was sceptical on how to call a lightning spirit, he didn't think much about it.

'Should I take this skill for myself?'

Ian pondered hard on it but it was hard to come to a decision quickly. He decided to think about it later.

He then looked at Lanson.

"Thanks for your reward."

"No, thank you for telling me about the hatching methods of Master Tamer Piolan. It would help greatly in my research."

Lanson said as he waved his hand around.

As he had already gotten the reward, there was no point in staying here. That's why, Ian decided to leave.

But as he turned back, Lanson suddenly said.

"By the way, are you also taking part in the Arena?"

"Huh? You know about the Arena?"

Ian asked as he stared at Lanson with wide eyes.

"Yes, I know about it."

"Can you tell me about it?"

Players don't have much information on the Arena currently. They just know that it is connected to a PvP event.

That's why Ian wanted to know more about it.

"Arena is a part of the culture of the Althiem empire. Every five years, the Coliseum will change into the Arena and brave warriors will come take part in it. This event was started by the First emperor Rakan."


"Yeah, he was the first emperor of the Althiem empire and he was also said to have the blessings of the Goddess of light."

Ian pondered on the name Rakan and remembered the 15 minute introduction video he had watched, when he had first logged into Ark.

It was a fairly well made video with high graphics. So, not many players would skip it.

Moreover, the basic history of the world is explained in that video.

Ian had also heard about the first emperor Rakan in that introduction video.

"When the Arena will open, the whole capital will celebrate the Rakan carnival."

Lanson said in one breath.

"What type of reward would be given to the winner of the Arena?"

"I can't say for sure as the rewards change once in a while but the reward would be given by His majesty himself. So, you can expect something good."

Ian's eyes shined when he heard the word 'His majesty'.

Lanson was clearly referring to the current emperor of the Althiem empire, Emperor Armors.

He was the 43rd emperor of the empire.

'If I can, I have to take part in the Arena.'

Ian made up his mind when the emperor was mentioned.

He doesn't want to miss out on the reward given by the emperor himself. He was sure that the reward would be a valuable treasure.

"I would excuse myself now. Thank you for telling me all this."

"I would cheer you if you decided to take part in the Arena."

"Thank you."

Ian left the room after that.

His destination was the Coliseum which would change into the Arena soon.

* * *

"You can't do this to me!!"

A roar came out from the director's office which was on the third floor of KSM broadcasting station.

"It's not my decision. The higher ups are pressuring us to show content related to the newly opened Arena and the new regions."

"Still, you can at least broadcast this once. This type of footage can't be found anywhere else."

"I can't do anything, Xiao Na."

Xiao Na held back a frown as she looked at the bald director in front of her.

She had worked hard to get a mind blowing footage but the director is rejecting it.

Only she knows how hard it was for her to interview Ian.

She had thought that she would surely be praised and even get a promotion but the reality was different.

'All because of the stupid system update.'

Xiao Na cursed Pegasus corporation in her mind several times.

Still, cursing was all she could do at this point.

"I'm not saying that the footage was bad. It was rather good and a lone player fighting against that many Goblins is something that all people will enjoy."


"But the player in the footage isn't a famous player. GBC only works with the rankers. That's why the ratings are good but here, we are struggling to even get an interview of a single ranker."

Xiao Na knows all that well but she was also sure that Ian would become a ranker in the future.

She tried to plead to the director once more but his decision was final.

The footage she had gotten after working hard won't be broadcasted on the television

She can't help but feel disheartened hearing that.

"Don't be sad. I had heard that Arena would host a PvP event. It would be all the rage. So, I want you to cover it for me."


Xiao Na just answered like that.

Her mood was ruined because of the director's refusal.

"Try to get some interviews from the winners of each round."

"I understand."

"And don't worry about your footage. If that player really becomes a ranker in the future, then that footage would be akin to gold."

The director said that in a laughing manner like he was saying a joke. He clearly doesn't believe in Xiao Na.

"We will see in the future."

Xiao Na muttered under her breath as she left the bald director's office.