Chapter 73. The sword master Jackson (1)

Chapter 73. The sword master Jackson (1)

'Why is he approaching me?'

That was Ian's first thought when he saw one of the instructors walking towards him.

The instructor was the same instructor Ian had talked to when he had first entered the Training center.

Ian stopped hitting the magic doll when the instructor reached him.

He glanced at the instructor's scary face and the long scar, as he waited for him to open his mouth.

"I would like to have a duel with you."


Ian's eyes widened when he heard that.

For a moment, he even thought that the instructor was joking with him or he had heard it wrong.

But NPCs don't joke often and the instructor's face was serious.

He was not joking!!

At the same time, a quest window appeared before him.

* * *

One of the instructors in the Training centre recognised your strength and he wanted to have a duel with you.

-Difficulty: Unknown

-Time limit: None

-Conditions: Getting recognised by the instructor

-Rewards: Negotiable

* * *

Ian read through the quest window and pondered on the word 'negotiable' . It was the first time he was seeing that word.

Ian doesn't have to think much about it as it just means that he can negotiate the reward with the instructor.

The problem was whether he should accept the quest or not.

He wondered how he should answer this sudden proposal of a duel but there was not much to think about it.

The answer was obvious.

"I don't have the capability nor the courage to find a great fighter like you. Please forgive me."

Ian was as respectful as he can be in his rejection but the instructor's expression was not good.

"It would just be a small duel…"


"I would give you my priced sword if you won."

"I'm sorry."

"What about gold? Or a position as a head instructor in the Training center?"

"Not interested."

The instructor tried to entice Ian with various offers but Ian was resolute like a stone. He won't battle the instructor even if he got a huge amount of gold.

The other players watching this from a distance were more than just dumbfounded.

An instructor requesting a duel from a player was something that had never happened in Ark.

On top of that, the player had even rejected the request.

"What's going on?"

"That scary looking instructor had clearly requested a duel but that lunatic had rejected."

"Why is he rejecting? Is he really crazy?"

"The chance to duel an instructor won't come again. I wonder what rewards he would get if he won."

"Is he afraid?"

"I don't think so. There must be another reason."

The players discussed with bewildered expressions as a look of curiosity appeared on their faces.

Suddenly, an archer opened his mouth.

"He isn't an idiot nor is he afraid. I would even say that he is smart."

"Smart? How?"

The archer laughed as he pointed at the instructor.

"Look at his body. What do you think would be the level of the instructor? I think it would be over 200 at least."

All of the players finally understood. They all nodded their heads with an expression of realisation.

The disparity between the two of them was huge. They don't know the level of Ian but they were sure that the level of the instructor was high.

Any player would reject a duel in which loss was guaranteed.

"Are you perhaps afraid of my strength?"

The instructor suddenly asked like he had heard the discussions of the players.

Ian slowly nodded his head.

"You don't have to worry about that. I would lower my strength to your level and I would not even use any equipment. Only a training sword."


Ian didn't know that a NPC can lower his level but the instructor was saying that. So, he didn't think that it was a lie.

At the same time, a question rose in his mind.

"Why do you want to have a duel with me?"

The instructor laughed when he heard that.

"It's because I think you are a worthy opponent."

"Worthy opponent?"

"Yeah. Our master had taught us that we can get better by fighting strong and worthy opponents. So, we never give up a chance to fight with someone who is strong."

It was a reasoning filled with more muscles than brains but Ian accepted it easily.

He had seen many people like the instructor when he was in the fantasy world. People who use their muscles over their brains.

They were the type of people that were easier to handle.

"If that is the case, then I would have a duel with you but…"


"I need an appropriate reward if I win."

Ian was not naive enough to battle the instructor without any reward. It also means that he won't fight him unless the reward is satisfactory.

'I wonder what reward I can get.'

From his earlier words, Ian had already gauged that the instructor was a simple minded person despite how he looks.

That also means that Ian can get a good deal in this duel.

Rather than something materialistic, the instructor would value the duel more.

Ian was precisely aiming for that.

"How about a rare grade sword that was made by one of the apprentices of the Master blacksmith Anvil."


Anvil was one of the Master blacksmiths in Ark and he was also a dwarf - the race with the most talent for making weapons.

A sword made by his apprentice would sell for a good amount.

Just the name Anvil was enough for his value to increase by many folds.

'Should I try to get more?'

Ian pondered but he decided to stop here. The sword was more than enough for him and being greedy can also backfire.

"I would accept your duel."

Ian said as he slightly bowed.

That message appeared before him and the instructor got ready with his training sword but Ian stopped him.

"What happened?"

"Ah, can we take this duel somewhere private? There are too many eyes here."

Ian glanced at the group of players staring at him. Some of them were already recording his talk with the instructor.

The instructor also nodded and both of them started walking towards the inner area.

There was a wider space there and they would be able to fight easily there.

"Hey!! Where are they going?"

"We can't let them get away."

"We have to stop them. I want to watch the fight between that lunatic and the instructor."

"Catch them!!"

The other players were of course dissatisfied and they even tried to stop Ian and the instructor.

One of the players even dared to pull out his weapon in front of the instructor. Ian was not able to tell if he was courageous or suicidal.

The instructor was angry with that and he just kicked the player.

The player instantly died.


Everyone took a deep breath when they saw that. Several gulping sounds were mixed with the breaths.

One of those gulping sounds was of Ian.

'Just what level is he?'

Ian really wanted to know the answer to that question.

Both the instructor and Ian reached the inner area quickly without the interference of the other players.

There was a wide battleground in the centre. It was surely built for a battle.

Ian stood in the middle of the battleground and looked at the instructor in front of him.

For some reason, the other instructors of the Training centre were also there and they were all staring at him.

Ian ignored them and focused on collecting his breath.

He was already tired from hitting the magic dolls for hours. So, he won't have much energy left after this duel.

But Ian had never cowered before from a fight.

"Let's start the duel now."


Both Ian and the instructor took their positions. There was a fire burning in both of their eyes as they waited for the other person to make the first move.


The first move was made by Ian!

Even if the instructor had lowered his strength, he was still a powerful opponent.

Ian had to be quick to attack or he would be pushed back. Offence and aggressiveness was the key here.

Swish! Twist!

Ian's spear twisted like a snake in his hands as he swung it vertically.

The instructor blocked his spear and started striking at Ian's spear. He was trying to push back Ian.

Rather than technique, the instructor was using blunt force.

'It would be easy to win.'

Ian smirked after seeing that and deliberately went on the defensive. Blunt force can easily be dealt with patience.

Seeing Ian trying to block his attacks, the instructor became more violent. He gathered strength in his sword.

He was sure that he would defeat Ian if he kept doing that.

On the other hand, Ian was moving decisively. Each of his steps was well planned and he was trying to save his stamina.


"I thought you are better than this."

The instructor grinned as he continuously striked and Ian kept blocking his full blown attacks.

The shoulder, the head, the legs, the arms...

Each of the strikes was blocked.


The instructor became angry seeing that Ian was still standing.

He took one step back and garnered strength in his muscles. His muscles bulged as he prepared a final strike filled with immense attack power.

'This is my chance.'

The instructor was like a ferocious bear in front of Ian and he was about to slash at him, but Ian was thinking of him as a mere teddy bear.

Even the most ferocious bear can turn into a teddy bear easily.

Ian knows how to do it well.



The instructor screamed but Ian just lowered his head to dodge.

The sword brushed past him and in that single moment, his speed went up several folds.

He thrusted his spear into the instructors chest and then made a swipe at his leg, making the instructor unbalanced.

Without losing any time, Ian then went on the offensive as he stabbed the instructor several times.

Slash! Thrust!

The already unbalanced instructor was taking a step back with every thrust and before he could balance himself out, Ian kicked him.

It was a kick with explosive strength and the instructor fell to the ground.

The duel ended with that!!

"Ah, my tactic worked."

If the instructor had fought with his full strength, then he was sure that he would have died before even making a single move.

But with equal strength, Ian's experience and skill easily overpowered the instructor.

"It was a nice duel. Thank you for having a fight with me."

The instructor stood up and said.

He was not dissatisfied or angry about his loss. Rather than being angry at Ian, he was more angry at himself.

He had thought that he was controlling the whole duel but Ian had defeated him in a single moment.

Now that he thinks about it, Ian was preparing for that single moment from the start. It was all a well planned out battle from the start.

There was no reason for the instructor to get angry about it.

He even brought out the rare grade sword after the duel. The sword has a shiny surface and it looked completely new.

'It would sell for quite a lot.'

Ian was the most happy with the duel as he got a sword he could sell for quite a high sum.

"I would excuse myself now."

There was no reason to stay here anymore but as Ian turned around, he noticed that several instructors were looking at him.

"Please have a duel with us too."

"Me too!!"

"I can give you a lot of gold."

"How about a shiny breastplate as a reward if you won?"

'What the…?'

Ian was surprised with all those requests of duels and in an instant, several quest windows appeared before him.

"What should I do now?"