Chapter 75. The Sword master Jackson (3)

Chapter 75. The Sword master Jackson (3)

Ian had accepted the duel of the instructor, simply because he wanted the reward.

He hadn't thought much about it and the instructor was going to lower himself to his level anyway.

So, there was even a chance of winning.

At the same time, he wondered about the strength of the instructor but he was disappointed.

The first instructor was unexpectedly weak.

Maybe, it was because he lowered his level but the truth was that his sword skills were only average.

Ian felt that the instructor's technique was a little weak. Strength training was not necessarily the path to become stronger.

One should use the potential power of the muscles properly. It emerges when one utilizes breathing and core body flexibility.

The first instructor was lacking in that area.

He just used his muscles instead of focusing on his technique and flexibility.

Moreover, he got too confident and didn't study the flow of the battle. Any battle was not just about overwhelming your opponent.

You have to use all your senses.

That's why the first instructor lost.

Another instructor had challenged him after the first instructor had lost. He was more experienced than the first instructor and he looked like an expert.

Against a sword expert with a lot of experience, Ian's only way was to look for weak spots.

The second instructor used defense-orientated swordsmanship.

However, it was not perfect.

The fight was long but Ian just needed a single moment to attack at his flow and he also got that moment.

At that very moment, he was able to find the flaw.

Considering the speed of the movement of the opponent's sword, Ian uses that difference to attack the weak point.

He won that battle that way.

But the instructor continued to challenge him.

The next three fights were hard, especially because the instructors were highly skilled than the first two and knew how to read the flow.

Moreover, they don't have many unnecessary moments.

But Ian was not a normal player.

'Living in the fantasy world has made me go through countless battles and a fight can be won easily if one can find the flaw.'

No matter how strong your opponent is, he must have one flaw and Ian just exploited that flaw.

Like the third instructor was highly focused on speed. His attacks were sharp and rapid.

He was not even giving Ian a chance to attack but his flaw was his stamina.

Ian just went into the defensive and waited for him to get tired. They were using training weapons anyway and it's not like Ian's agility was low.

He just has to dodge his attacks.

The fourth instructor was more tricky and he was a balanced opponent who has developed all his skills.

But that also means that he lacked any speciality. His attack, defense and speed were good but there was nothing special.

And he lost to Ian quickly.

The last instructor was really good and it was a tight battle. He was the best of all the instructors and Ian has to give it his all in the fight.

The only reason he won was because of his experience of fighting and his spear technique that was taught by his master.

He would have lost if not for that.

'Haha, he's really not a simple guy.'

Jackson thought as Ian narrated all this. He had never seen anyone who can analyse a battle with such precision.

It made him remember a friend that he lost a long time ago.

'A worthy opponent? He's too weak currently but in the future…'

At the same time, Jackson thought about Ian's strength and what he could achieve in the future..

There were countless possibilities but he was sure that Ian would surely make a name for himself.

Jackson opened his mouth while thinking that.

"Ian, I really like you."


Ian was surprised when he heard that. A sudden confession (?) out of nowhere.

'What is he saying? He likes me? Did he swing that way…'

Ian felt a chill on his back when he thought and he subconsciously took two steps back.

"Sigh! I'm not talking about that type of like..."

Jackson sighed when he saw Ian's pale face. He waved his hands and continued.

"I mean, I like you as an opponent. How about having a duel with me. No matter if you win or lose, I would give you a satisfactory reward."

"Huh?? Master!!"

When Jackson said that, all the other instructors made a massive commotion.

It was also understandable. Just who was Jackson?

He was the Sword master. The man who has reached the mastery level in sword and someone whose name is revered throughout the whole continent.

Seeing him in a fight was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The instructors became excited thinking that but Ian still hadn't said yes.

"Sorry, but I have to refuse."

Ian slightly bowed his head.

Maybe, it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity but he was too tired mentally to have another duel.

He was tired and wanted to just go sleep.

"Think about it again. This opportunity won't come again."

Jackson asked again with a raised eyebrow.


But Ian's answer was still the same.

For some reason, Jackson was amused seeing that. He liked interesting people and Ian seemed really interesting to him.

He laughed and said.

"Then, I won't push it as you seem tired."

"Thanks for understanding."

"Instead of that, come meet me later. I have something to give you.."

"Give me?"

"Yes, but you will only get that if you passed the test. It would depend on your skills if you can pass my test."

Jackson said that and a quest appeared in front of Ian.

* * *

The Sword master wants to test your skill. He wants you to visit him later when you are ready to take this test.

Visit him before leaving the capital.

-Difficulty: Unknown

-Time limit: None

-Conditions: Making Jackson interested in you.

-Rewards: Unknown

*This quest can lead to a hidden quest.

* * *

'Another quest.'

Ian sighed seeing all the pending quests in his quest window but he can only complete them one by one.

"I would meet you later then."

Ian accepted the quest and left the Training center.

He just wanted to go to sleep right now. So he didn't even read the description of the quest carefully.

"Master, did you choose him?"

One of his disciples asked Jackson when Ian left.

"It would depend on him."

"But why him?"

Jackson looked at his disciple and his lips slowly curved up in an amused smile like he was finding something funny.

"It's just that I can't see his future. There's endless possibilities!"

* * *

"... That was a good sleep."

Lu Fei yawned as he curled his body up. He has a nice and refreshing sleep. Something he really needed.

As soon as he had logged off from Ark, he had slumped into his bed and fell asleep.

It looked like he was really tired.

Well, he was playing Ark non stop these days. There were also his part time jobs and he was even prepping for the college entrance examinations now.

Moreover, taking care of his sister was also necessary.

With all these, there was no time to sleep for him.

Lu Fei was barely getting any sleep these days. Some days ago, he had only slept for 56 minutes because an unexpected part time job had come up.

'Let's look at the forum first.'

His sister would sleep at her friend's house today and he can just eat some snacks for dinner.

There was no need to make food when there was only him in the house.

Ring! Ding!

As soon as Lu Fei opened the forum, the doorbell rang.

He wondered who it was. Not many people would visit his house, especially in the evening.

'Is It Xiaomei? But she would have called me if she is coming back?'

Lu Fei checked his phone again thinking that. The doorbell rang once again in between.

"... It can't be the loan sharks, right?"

He muttered as he started walking towards the door.

It was highly unlikely that the loan sharks would come to harass them this late at night, but they were loan sharks, they could do anything.

Thinking of that, Ian opened the door and found someone unexpected there…

"Ms. Fang."

"Ah, hello. I came because you were not taking my calls."

Fang Xue said as she smiled sweetly. She was wearing a light green top and long skirt which looked stunning on her.

'She must have called when I was sleeping.'

Lu Fei thought and looked over Fang Xue. She was looking stunning as usual but at the same time, he felt that she should not go out so late at night.

There were all types of creeps roaming the streets at night.

"Ms. Fang, you should have just left a message. It's too risky to go out alone at night."

"Don't worry, I drove my car here and I was worried about you not eating anyway. That's why, I also made some food for you."

Fang Xue said and lifted up the box in her hands.

Lu Fei felt warm seeing that. There were not many people who would care for him and even made food for him.

"Come in."

He would naturally not reject the food.

Lu Fei gestured to Fang Xue to come in. They both went towards the kitchen and Fang Xue looked over his house as it was her first time visiting.

Lu Fei felt embarrassed seeing that because his house was shabby but Fang Xue didn't seem to mind it.

She already knew Lu Fei's condition.

"Where's your sister by the way?"

Fang Xue asked as she didn't see Lu Xiaomei anywhere but Lu Fei's response surprised her.

"Oh! She had gone to her friend's house and would be staying there tonight."


Fang Xue's breathing quickened when she heard that.

'It means we are alone.'

She thought in her mind and her heart suddenly started beating faster. A flustered expression appeared on her face.

"What's wrong?"


Fang Xue quickly shook her head when Lu Fei asked.

She let out all the 'indecent' thoughts from her mind and pushed Lu Fei out of the kitchen.

Then, she started reheating the food while trying to calm down her rapidly beating heart.

"It's great!!

Lu Fei exclaimed as he tasted the food Fang Xue had made.

It was the first time he was eating food made by her but he had to say that it was really delicious.

"Eat slowly. There's plenty."

Fang Xue let out a low laugh when she saw Lu Fei devouring the food. She had made food for his sister too. So, there was no shortage of food.

But Lu Fei was eating the food like it was his last meal.

He was more hungry than he had thought.

While eating, Fang Xue and Lu Fei talked about a lot of things. From studying to how Fang Yuqing (Fang Xue's sister) had been pestering her to buy an arkane capsule.

"So, your parents are strict about her playing games?"

"Yeah, she plays games all day anyway and as she lives with me, our parents want me to be more strict on her."

Lu Fei's mental age was more than Fang Xue. That's why he was able to keep up with topics that would be too boring for teenagers.

Fang Xue already knew that Lu Fei was more mature than his peers. So, she was smiling through the whole conversation.

As they were talking, Fang Xue's phone rang.

She looked at it and frowned when she saw that it was an unknown number. She still picked it up.

-Hello, Fang Xue, it's me.

"Why are you calling me again and again? I would complain to the police if you kept doing it!!"

-I just want to have dinner…

Before the other side of the phone could say anything more, Fang Xue cut the phone and immediately blocked the number.

She then again frowned.

"Who was he?"

Lu Fei asked with a concern expression.

From the call, he can see that someone was pestering Fang Xue. It looked like it had already reached the level of harassment.

"It was Chen Yaozhi. The person we met at that restaurant."

He can vaguely remember that rich guy who seemed to like Fang Xue.

"Is he pestering you?"

"Yeah, I blocked his number but he calls me with unknown numbers, saying that he wants to have dinner with me."

"Why don't you complain to the police?"

"He's too powerful to do that. Moreover, our families know each other. So, my father would surely tell me to take back the complaint."

Fang Xue said with a bad expression but she quickly changed the topic.

Lu Fei didn't say anything more but he could see Fang Xue's frowning expression.

He didn't like that at all.