Chapter 77. Transaction

Chapter 77. Transaction

"No one has appeared till now. Can you see anyone from up there?"

-I can't see anyone. It looks like we have to wait.


Tang Yin clicked his tongue as frustration appeared on his face. His current expression was literally screaming that he was frustrated.

He also had a reason to feel frustrated.

Tang Yin had started Ark a year ago in just a year, he had shown immense potential as an assassin.

Some people even say that his skill was comparable to the number 1 assassin in Ark, Hatch.

Of course, Tang Yin just shrugged off these types of rumours. He would become overconfident if he really believed those things.

But it didn't mean that he was not confident or proud of his skills.

He was really proud of them and him getting recruited by Dark Luna guild was the confirmation of his skills.

When he had signed the contract with Dark Luna guild, he was happy thinking that he would get immense resources and soon become a ranker.

But nothing like that had happened.

It was not like he was not given resources but they were too few because of the competition he faced from the other guild members.

Moreover, he was always told to do worthless and time consuming jobs.

He wanted to hunt more monsters and level up instead of doing these jobs. He was even feeling that the Dark Luna guild was using him as a mere henchman.

He didn't like that at all and his frustration and resentment towards the Dark Luna guild was increasing everyday.

'I wanted to explore the Northern mountains of Crancia but I'm sent here to make a transaction…'

Tang Yin thought in his mind and sighed.

After the system update, he was really excited to go to the Northern mountains to explore new regions and kill some newly added monsters.

But he was given another task.

He can only go explore the Northern mountains after doing this task.

It would be too late by then.

The Northern mountains were getting filled with more and more players every second.

It was the most popular hunting ground for players in the Althiem empire.

'I wish I could terminate my contract.'

Getting recruited by a famous guild means that you would become famous was not always correct.

The same had happened with Tang Yin, and now he can't even terminate his contract.

The termination fee was too high for a player like him.

He was not those rankers that do advertisements and appear on reality TV shows.

"When will he appear and why the hell did he choose the slum for the transaction…?"

Tang Yin muttered that and at that moment, he suddenly received a whisper.

-Someone is approaching you.

"Is he the one?"

-It looks like that. He is wearing a cloak and there was a mask on his face. He probably doesn't want his identity to be known.

'He's playing safe.'

Tang Yin thought and looked straight.

A player was walking towards him. He was wearing a black cloak and a mask that was hiding his whole face.

'Eagle eyes.'

Tang Yin used his skill to look closely and noticed that the poster was wearing a leather armour beneath the cloak.

He was not able to see any weapons like daggers or sharp knives.

"Are you from Dark Luna guild?"

The clonked player straightforwardly asked and Tang Yin nodded his head slowly.

"Have you brought the antidote?"


The cloaked player brought out a glass veil from his inventory and passed it to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin quickly checked the information on it and nodded his head.

"First, transfer the money and I would give you the rest."


Tang Yin quickly transferred the money and the cloaked figure gave him the rest of the veils.

The transaction finished there but Tang Yin's job was not over yet.

"If you have more antidotes or if you have the method to make the antidote, then the Dark Luna guild would pay you…"

"I already said I am not interested in any further business."

The cloaked player cut him off and sharply said.

Tang Yin didn't like that but he was not in a position to say anything more. He just thanked the cloaked player.

The cloaked player quickly started walking away after that.

-He's walking away.

"I can see that. Just do your job and keep an eye on him. Leave the rest to me."

Tang Yin ended the whender after that and brought out his dagger from his inventory.

The real task will start now!

* * *

'I have never seen so much money in my account before!!'

Ian exclaimed in his mind as excitement covered his face. He felt immense happiness after seeing so much money.

If he was still depending on part time jobs, then he would have never been able to earn so much money in such a short time.

Ark really was the way for him.

'No, I can't get happy so quickly.'

Ian quickly shook off those thoughts and focused.

The transaction was complete but the Dark Luna guild won't let him leave easily. Ian was sure of that.

That's why, he moved through the narrow alleys of the slum area quickly.

An attack can come anytime. Ian was on guard because of that. He was also sure that someone was chasing after him.

The player he did the transaction with was not a low leveled player.

Ian was sure that he was a thief or an assassin. It was because the equipment he was wearing was light and was more suited for speed type class.

Maybe a dagger would come fly...


Ian suddenly heard the sound of something slashing through the air.

Like he had thought, a dagger came flying at him from the side and Ian quickly dodged by lowering his head.

'That was close.'

He thought but before he could take a look at his surroundings, he felt a chilling sensation from his back.

Ian quickly turned around and escaped the arrow that was coming at him.

'An archer and an assassin.'

He raised his head to look at the buildings. The archer was probably firing arrows from above and the assassin was surely using his stealth skill.

"I don't have time to waste."

Ian quickly started running.

He had already figured out that something like this can happen. So, he was quick to act.

He had also thought of a way to tackle this earlier. He had decided the transaction to be held in the slums because of that.

Now, he just has to reach the designated point.

Swish! Slash!

Suddenly, Ian saw someone attacking him from the side.

A black dagger in his hands and his face half covered. It was the same player he had finished the transaction with.

Like he had thought, he was not a low leveled player.

'He's an assassin.'

Ian quickly blocked the attack with the help of a short sword.

He would be at a disadvantage if he used a spear in this narrow alley. That's why Ian had bought a short sword before coming here.

"You managed to block my attack. It looks like you are a bit skilled."

"Dark Luna guild is really a nice guild to try to attack the person they had made a transaction with."

Tang Yin said silent when he heard that and attacked again.

The most deadly quality of an assassin is his sharp attacks and his movements with the dagger.

Tang Yin was someone who had mastered the basics.


His dagger glowed as Tang Yin attacked with multiple slashes but Ian dodged them all by moving his body.

A look of surprise appeared on his face when he saw that.

Ian was more skilled than he had thought but before he could make another attack, Ian had kicked him in the chest.


'I don't have time to waste on him.'

From his way of attacking, Ian had already found out that Tang Yin was a skilled assassin and his level was definitely higher than his.

He can't waste more time on him.

Ian started to run after kicking his chest. He had already examined the narrow alleys in the slums.

So he was quick on his feet.

"I won't let you get away!!"

Of course, Tang Yin chased after him.

An assassin was usually fast and Tang Yin had even invested most of his stat points in agility.

He was able to shorten the distance between him and Ian quickly.



Ian cursed in his heart as he felt a dagger brushing past his arm.

Tang Yin was stronger than he had thought. Ian was in a pinch because of him but he still continued to run while fighting Tang Yin.

Ian didn't want to stop at all and Tang Yin continued to attack him.

For a while, both Ian and Tang Yin continued to attack each other while running.

It looked like a chase of cat and mouse but after five minutes, Ian was the one losing.

It's because he was not only dealing with Tang Yin but also the archer that was continuously firing arrows from the top.

Ian already has arrows shot on his shoulders and back.

If he kept dealing with them for more time, then Ian would surely be captured or he would either die.

Luckily, he soon reached the designated place.

It was a wall which was 5 meters tall. More specifically, the designated place was behind the wall.

"You can't run anywhere now. I just need to ask some questions from you and you just need to answer them honestly."

Tang Yin said with a sneer.

He was sure that Ian would not be able to run now. Climbing the wall was difficult for even him and it would take time too.

But Ian didn't think like that.

He glanced at Tang Yin once and quickly ran towards the wall.

He took a jump and struck his foot into a small crack. Then he took another jump to climb over the wall.

It all happened in an instant that even Tang Yin was surprised.

"Hey, take a look at him while I climb this wall."

Tang Yin hastily started climbing the wall as he whispered.

-H-he's gone.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

-I kept an eye on him but as soon as I blinked, he was gone.

"What the hell? You can't even do a simple job!!"

Tang Yin screamed as he finally climbed over the wall but there were no signs of Ian.

He didn't know that Ian had quickly used his cloak concealment function to hide but Tang Yin had no way of knowing that.


A curse came out from his mouth.

* * *

"Slash at his chest."

"It's too hard for me to penetrate in one strike."

"Ria, buff me!!"

A party of three people were fighting a Lava hound in an underground dungeon.

They were Clara, Wayn and Ria.


Clara reinforced her sword as she slashed at the Lava hound chest. At the same time, Wayn fired multiple arrows from the back.


The Lava hound puffed his chest and breathed fire but it was blocked by a shield made by Ria.

The coordination of the three had improved a lot and they were easily able to kill the Lava hound.

"We did it."

"It was easier than I thought."

They high-five each other as they finally killed the last monsters for today.

Their playing time was over now and they had to log off soon but as they were about to log off, Ria suddenly asked.

"Have you talked with Ian lately?"

"Huh? Ian, no"

"It's been a while since I had heard from him."

Both Clara and Wayn were clueless about where Ian was.

He had not given a reply to the last messages that had been sent. It was probably because he was busy with something.

"Why are you asking about him?"

Clara asked as she stared at Ria.

"Don't you think that Ian would be taking part in the Arena?"

"Yeah, it seems likely."

Wayn and Clara nodded their heads hearing that.

If it's Ian, then he would surely try to take part in the Arena. Maybe, they would be able to meet him there.

"Why don't we search for him tomorrow there?"

Ria proposed and Wayn nodded his head.

"Yeah, we are going there anyway and if he's taking part in the Arena, then I would have an opportunity to fight with him."

"Will you be able to win?"

Clara asked with a smug smile and Wayn just shrugged his shoulders.

He didn't want to think about if he would be able to win or not. Anyway, he was at least confident to give a good fight.

"Anyway, it's decided that we would search for Ian at the Arena tomorrow."
