Snow White Blanket

In the night where the moon fully showed its most beautiful appearance on the sky, as the clouds were dancing on the wind's rhythm. It was a beautiful, eerie night sky if you ignored the state of the earth now.

Inside a certain city, buildings were wrecked, shops were in a mess, broken glasses scattered everywhere, blood and foul stench filled the air. Wild plants grew on the buildings' wall. Cars, trucks, busses, and motorcycles were on the streets, lights were off, only the full moon brought lights to this disgusting, cruel world.

Bodies were everywhere, they did have human body's features but their appearance was so terrifying, with their guts scattered everywhere, while some of their heads are crushed like a watermelon, but the differences were its color which was black and foul stench emitted from it.

A man with his long steel pipe was fighting a group of zombies.

Well, not exactly a group, it was more appropriate to call it a flood of zombies. With some creatures with big bodies, huge claws and fangs, or creatures that could run very fast and very agile everywhere, and many walking creatures that had their guts out but could still walk.

You couldn't count them accurately, there were thousands of zombies.

Loud noises could be heard from afar. Guns were shot from a big building with a rusty big sign that reads as "Star Hotel" from afar. 

"WE NEED TO SUPPORT HIM NOW!" A man shouted, trying to convince his friends.

"I know... but Arthur said that it will be useless, someone has to distract them and lead them outside the city and that can only be him, the only one who should." A woman gritted her teeth, she gripped her rifle very hard as she kept shooting.

"But he's not the only Crystallized! We can help him too!"

"Be quiet, Ray," a voice from the radio rang, the people in the hotel all quiet, no one makes a single sound except the sound of gunshots, "someone has to do this. And even if all of you come, there will be no guarantee that we could flee, let alone win against this flood."

"But! Our group, those people need you!" The man named Ray still couldn't accept the plan.

"It's alright. I'll now make them follow me as far as I could from the city. You guys better stop shooting, save the ammo for later."

The group was trying so hard not to cry, they gripped their weapons, held their breath, and gritted their teeth really hard. After a moment, Ray and the woman from before finally shed tears as they stopped shooting. They glanced at the flood of zombies and with heavy hearts, the woman said something that would be really hard to forget.

"I... love you, Arthur."

The group held their breaths, they didn't make any sound at all, just gazing to the distance.

After a brief moment, Arthur answered, "Ray, I leave our people to you, only you can lead those people, don't lose hope, my best friend. Thanks for everything," then he lifted his iron pipe up and suddenly, an ice wall appeared behind him and fell to the zombie flood, he grabbed a flare and lit it up, he then shouted.




The zombies shouted as they followed the man into the distance.

Arthur, who was on the run, smiled as he was being chased by the zombie flood.

"Irene, I know. Thank you and I'm sorry..."

Irene who heard his voice suddenly fell to the floor, her legs felt like they were made of lead, she covered her face as she cried loudly.

The radio faintly transmitted a voice, the voice was so gentle.

"I love you too, farewell."


After running and fighting the flood for hours, finally Arthur could no longer run again as he was very exhausted, his stamina had already reached its limit.

"I see, so this is how exhausting felt like, huh. I've never experienced this in such a long time... how many years has it been since the last time I felt tired? 100? 110?" He thought in his heart as he crushed a zombie's head with his iron pipe that was covered with ice.

He then avoided some of the zombies attack, he jumped and kicked a huge zombie on its head, leaping to the air. Light blue and white circles appeared on his sleeves, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and spread his arms fully to his surroundings as he turned his body around in mid air.

[Ice Rain]!



The ice spikes landed on the zombies heads, some landed on red spots that were beating like a human's heart on the huge creatures bodies, crushed them and exploded.

Rain of blood fell like a heavy rain, drenched Arthur's dark blue hoodie as he landed on the ground.

He exhaled, his gaze towards the night sky and smiled.

"So this is where my journey ended. I managed to make them followed me this far, so it should be fine."

His body lost its power, he fell to the ground like a withered cherry blossom's leaves.

"Farewell. My only regret until now is only that I couldn't save you, Velvet. Your brother will go to the place where you are now." He said in his heart.

The remaining zombies ran towards Arthur who had lost all of his power to stand up, they ran with their vicious gaze, their fangs and teeth wanted to tore him into pieces.

Time seemed to stop at that time. Arthur smiled, he closed his eyes and said as his body glowed with light blue lights.

[Avenger's Wrath]

The light was so bright, but it brought a gentle and soothing feeling if one could see the light.

"Ah... I think I have one more regret... Irene, I wish I said that to you earlier." Arthur said in a low voice as he lifted his right hand towards the night sky, as if trying to grab something.



Arthur vanished after the explosion, as if he was never been there.

His last attack massacred many zombies, but it was still not enough to defeat the flood.

The ice that was blown to the sky started to drop, it was more like snow, a beautiful white snow blanket that covered the ugly reality, this disgusting, cruel world he lived in.