Chapter 3 : Gabriel.

Logging in, Lin Ming passed through a multicolored tunnel as soon as he arrived in God's Domain, arriving at a solemn golden temple.

There, he saw a female angel with four pairs of wings sitting on the throne's arm chair. She was only about palm sized. Noticing his arrival, that angel nonchalantly glanced at Lin Ming before her eyes opened wide in shocked as she quickly flew towards him.

" W..welcome back, S.. Supreme God! " she hurriedly said with a bow, feeling nervous.

Lin Ming let out a small chuckle seeing her like that. Smiling, he said, " It seems like you are enjoying yourself here a lot, Gabriel. "

" I.. I don't dare, S..supreme God. This.. this servant is only waiting for your return.. "

" Really? " Lin Ming frowned. " But you looked very comfortable sitting on the throne, does it fell good? Was it really that comfortable? "

" Eekk! "

The poor little angel, Grabriel shivered in fear hearing that. Despite being a high tier being, she still can't help but be scared in front of Lin Ming and was even on the verge of crying.

" Haha. " Lin Ming laughed happily before opening his palm. Understanding what he meant, Gabriel nervously flew forward and landed on his palm. " I'm sorry, Lil Gabriel. I'm only kidding okay, how can I even get angry at you? "

" R.. really? "

" En. Really. " he nodded. " Besides, didn't I told you not to call me like that anymore? Just call me Big Bro or Big Brother Ming or Lin Ming. Suit yourself, just don't call me Supreme God again as its too formal. You and your mother are really the same.. sigh. "

Lin Ming was feeling helpless towards this little angel as she always act nervously in front of him despite this not being their first time meeting each other. Was he really that scary?

The first time he met Gabriel was months ago when he first entered here unknowingly. Game helmets are not available yet at that time but Lin Ming was still pulled here for some reason. He is not sure yet but Lin Ming suspects that it was done by that adorable Elven Lil sister of his as he's the only person he can think of that has the ability to do so. It seems like she's still taking a good care of him even now. Lin Ming really didn't misjudged her.

" I.. I.. can't.. it.. it will be very disrespectful to you S-.. owu! " Gabriel wasn't able to finish her sentence when a small hand made out of light appeared in front of her and flicked her forehead. " Wuu wuu.. you're bullying me again Sup... B.. Big Brother.. "

" Because you're so stubborn. Call me Supreme God again and you can say goodbye to your position as my representative and you'll never see me again. " Lin Ming said in a threatening tone. It was him who made that small hand appeared as Gabriel is too small for him to do it personally.

God's Domain was a global game controlled by an extremely advanced AI ( Artificial Intelligence ). There's a legend saying that not even the game creators has any control over it. This AI continuesly gather data from all God's domain and use it to evolve and to get rid of all bugs. To maintain absolute fairness for everyone playing this game.

That's always been the case until Lin Ming's arrival.

" No.. no way. Please anything but that, B.. Big Brother. Mommy will be very angry at me.. " Gabriel panicked. Her mom personally sent her here to be the representative of the Supreme God. She didn't want to disappoint her mother. " I'll do everything Big Brother wants. "

" En. that's more like it. " Lin Ming was satisfied with her response. He really can't stand formalities especially to someone close to him. " Let's get this started, I want to start playing now. "

Seeing that his Big Brother isn't angry anymore, Gabriel sighed in relief as she continue resting on his palm.

" *Ahem* Hello Adventurer, welcome to God's Domain. I am the Navigation Angel, Gabriel. I will be introducing to you the four main categories and twelve main jobs. Please choose the job that you like most. "

With a wave of Gabriel's small hand, an illustration introducing the twelve main jobs appeared in front of Lin Ming.

Gabriel knows that his Big Brother wanted to stay low key and enjoy the game like a normal player so she did it like how she normally welcome the other players.

" These twelve jobs were categorized into four main classes.

Warrior: Shield Warrior, Guardian Knight, Berserker.

Weapons Specialist: Swordsman, Assassin, Ranger.

Healer: Cleric, Druid, Oracle.

Mage: Elementalist, Summoner, Cursemancer.

Warriors specialized in defending against monsters; weapons specialists focused on physical damage output; healers focused on healing; mages focused on magical damage output. Every job had their own style of battle, which was one of the main selling points of God's Domain. "

Lin Ming took his time choosing what class he like to play. It's already been a long time since he had played games way back his days on earth. It's hundreds of years ago.

He's an expert on using spear but he remembered that the main protagonist of this world was a swordsman so after a bit more thinking, Lin Ming chose the same.

"Job selection complete. Please designate a name for your character."

" Freeload Master. "

Lin Ming typed these name with a chuckle.

" Naming successful. Do you wish to adjust your appearance? Adjustment rate limited to 15%. "

" Nah, live it like this. " He's quite satisfied with his handsome appearance so why would he changed it? If ever he ended up offending someone inside the game then they are free to come after him as long as they are prepared to face the consequences..

' Big Brother is the most handsome, good choice not changing his appearance. ' Gabriel thought shyly.

" What Kingdom would you like to go, Big Brother? "

" Star-Moon Kingdom, White River City. "

As he said that, a map that displayed tens of cities belonging to the Star-Moon Kingdom appeared in front of Lin Ming.

The opening of God's Domain was globally synchronized. To accommodate for the hundreds of millions of players, the lands of God's Domain were incredibly vast, measuring up to two or three times of Earth, and the kingdoms within were even more plentiful. However, a player's living area and city, in reality, determined the country they would start in, so players could only choose the cities within the country.

Lin Ming wanted to meet with Shi Feng so he chose the Kingdom where he knows he will be.

White River City was Star-Moon Kingdom's fifth ranked city. It was an important city in the north of Star-Moon Kingdom There were quite a few Workshops that chose to develop there to avoid the struggles between large Guilds.

" City confirmed. Player will arrive in Red Leaf Town of White River City in three seconds. We wish you happy gaming... eh? No, Big Brother you can't leave yet! "

" Why? " Lin Ming asked confusedly.

" I.. I want to go with Big Brother.. can.. can I? It's super boring here.. "

Lin Ming can't help but smile wryly after hearing that. He wanted to play this game as normal as possible, he even turned off most of his Game Master privilege for the sake of that If he will bring this overpowered Gabriel with him, how can he still do that?

" Big Brother.. please.. " seeing that he's not answering, Gabriel became nervous so she pleaded with her puppy eyes. She looks so cute at this moment that made it hard for Lin Ming to decline.

" Fine. But you have to seal all of your abilities aside from your flight. " he finally said.

" Eh? How can I help you if I will do that, Big Brother? " Gabriel asked, clearly reluctant to seal her powers.

" Then you can't come wit me as all the monster will surely ran away immediately if they saw you. How can I still be able enjoy this game? "

" That.. " Gabriel can't find a word to deny what her Big Brother said. " O.. okay then. But.. can.. can I do it the same with big brother? Gabriel will also become a player like Big Brother so Gabriel can also go adventure with you! "


Damn, she's so cute.

Lin Ming thought. The way she spoke in third person way was so adorable.

" Okay. You can do it. Hurry and transform then, other players have already started by now. "

" En. Thank you, Big Brother! "

Send power stones..