Chapter 12

I went rushing to the hospital. When I reached hospital I got to know that my father had sudden chest pain . I got life in myself . But I got a bad news after this . I got to know that he was having asthma.

My mother was crying on bench. I tried to calm her . When i checked my phone I got to know that I had 30 miss calls of Jimin whereas 27 of Jin.

I knew they were worried that ,'what happened to me' but I didn't wanted to give them this bad news .

I went at my house crying and sobbing . This day was the worst day of my life .

As I reached my home door I found Jimin and Jin standing there in worries. As Jimin saw me he came near me and hugged.

His hug was warm . Now i didn't felt alone . He whispered,

"Are you ok?"

"Yes , I am. Actually , no I am not", I said still sobbing like a child.

He looked in my eyes and asked,

"What happened ? Tell me".

My eyes were felled with tears. I hugged him tight and said ,

" Why am I so unlucky ? What does this world want from me ? I have nothing got to sacrifice now . Do you know , my dad have chances to leave me as soon as possible."

"Wait, what do you mean?", Jin interrupted.

"My father got a really painful chest pain . I got this news when I was with you guys . Sorry to just leave without telling you . I am just lost my every hope now . He is the only hope for me ."

"We Are here for you Amy . We love you and obviously don't think you are alone.", Jin said to encourage me .

Three weeks passed and finally my dad was at home. Today early morning I went in his room with his medicines .

"Dad , Are you feeling better ?", I asked him gently.

" My child. I can have asthma attack anything and anywhere".

"Why are you saying this nonsense thing in this beautiful morning ? You are fit as you were before. Don't take stress."

"I don't know if I will be their to choice your future. I am serious , Amy."

"Ahh! Stop it. Don't start again . Amy , my child. Listen I want I favour from you. I am not forcing you but I have to see you happy. Please."

"Obviously Dad . Whatever you want. I know you will always think good for me and even you this decision will be my life changing opportunity."

"Amy . I don't know if I should ask you this . But I have lost my hopes and don't think I can live for more that 2 or 3 years ."

"Please don't say this again and again. Come at the point dad."

"I think you should get married."

Wait ,

what ?
