2.Four More to Go

The Fifth reincarnation cycle started as the being of light was born as Ryan in a poor family in ancient times in a world where small kingdoms scattered the world. And the being of darkness was born as Felix Jones the firstborn son of the tyrant king. This was a world where magic was the key to society. Everyone who could wield magic was of the highest point in the food chain among the intelligent races. While the beings we're found to be extremely proficient in their respective elements of light and darkness. This was the first time Felix had trouble even though he was the firstborn prince, the masses and his royalty thought he was a devil because he was a user of the dark element and was only saved by his mother the queen when he was removed from the succession of the throne.

This was Ryan's cue where both the beings had an almost fair start, he thought about why he kept losing and found out that he always lost because of his people. He found out the significance of having comrades and brothers to help him win this fight. As Ryan grew up he led a rebel movement against the oppression of the king, as he fought alongside his brothers whom he met in the magic society as he overthrew the king as he showed up as a messiah of light. During his peak, he killed Felix in the name of killing the devil with the help of his brothers. He led on to become the Messager of Holy Light in this world.

The Sixth reincarnation cycle started in a world where one's cultivation was everything. The being of light was born as Lucas the son of the Sect Master of Void Sect, Which was one of the topmost sects in the cultivation world? And the being of the dark was born as Julius in the Trigrams Sect which was one of the other topmost sects in the world.

They were both geniuses even before the enlightenment and then they grew up to be leaders of the century. They finally battled it out after 100yrs of cultivation and learning countless medicinal and blacksmith skills as they each tried to defeat each other. In the final struggle, both of them ended up in a double K.O. as they died together. The world soon entered the age of peace after the two leaders died.

The Seventh Reincarnation cycle a world where humans are the lowest race and beastman are the highest race. There were a variety of races among the beastmen. In this world, the being of light was born as Hilton in one of the smallest tribes of the human race. While the being of darkness was born as Ulysses the son of the Ogre King in the largest known ogre race. Both beings after enlightenment used their previous knowledge from their memories and started uplifting their races. They faced hardship because of the limit of their race. The humans were lesser in number but were able to quickly learn from Hilton, whereas the ogres were better off in numbers but were only able to learn to fight as they neglected the other stuff. Humanity was always cunning as they soon rose as a majority race as they conquered and scattered all the remaining races. Even though Ulysses tried his best he was still defeated by the limitations of his race stupidity as he was poisoned by the humans. And Hilton lived on as the God Teacher of the Human Race as he spread his knowledge and skills among the humans as they became the overlord of the world.

The Eighth Reincarnation cycle was in a genetically mutated world with superheroes, it was said that humans were treated with a unique serum at their births which increased their capabilities and potential a century ago. And this led to the mutation of genes in the current society where people started gaining different abilities. It had been a decade since the superhero society was established to govern the world and protect mankind.

While there were superheroes there were also supervillains. In this world, both the being were born closer together, closer like much closer. They were twins, the being of light was Charles who was younger by a Minute and the being of Darkness was Lucifer. Although they were twins and looked the same they had a distinct difference which was their eye color. Lucifer had pitch-black pupils like the galaxy and space beyond while Charles had golden pupils which burned like the sun. Even though they were close by they didn't know about each other's true identity.

They both had different powers unique from each other. After Enlightenment, Charles began to grow at rocket speed as he strengthens himself to face the being of darkness in the future. But Lucifer started being stagnant in growth and didn't show much promise like his brother and people soon forgot him being the brother of the World-renowned Superhero"SuperNova". Lucifer hid his powers which were related to controlling space and dark matter. He gradually grew stronger and established himself among the villains as a major Villian called the " God of Death".

They finally had a battle among them after a major clash between the heroes and villains. Charles and Lucifer confronted each other. But up till this point, Charles didn't know the being of darkness was his brother and when he almost defeated him he took was the mask of his rival to only get shocked seeing the face of his brother. Lucifer Only showed his powers of controlling dark matter till now and when Charles was almost near him he launched his ultimate power of Space manipulation. While doing so, he feels unconscious halfway through as Charles launched his counterattack. Lucifer died while Charles stood atop his brother's body crying as the victor of the final duel. SuperNova was immortalized by the world and became the guardian of that world.

The Ninth Reincarnation cycle was in a highly advanced futuristic world where the only limitation is that humans are not able to enter space. Space travel beyond a certain point has not yet advanced to a higher level. But Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence has shown much growth. The world is mostly automated, but still, most humans work as it is the only thing to improve themselves and earn a better living and many people only participate in special research or studies. But the one thing that every human does is that they participate in Virtual Reality Wars.