4.Stolen Time

Leo was a little overwhelmed but not flustered yet. "Hilton, do you know where that person is? And also from what I know our awakening age is 10 right I am 15 years old now. Is it ok or is something wrong with me?"

When everyone heard that they were stunned as they didn't know about it.

Charles suddenly said: " I knew it that bastard, he must have done something to us. When he killed me I thought I felt something leaving my body. It must be his work."

Ryan also said: " Charles I can feel the flow of spatial and time magic on you. Now I know why"

Charles then roared then said sorrowfully, "You were my brother. How could you do this to me? Why? Is it our fate?"

"Calm down Charles," said Arthur in a commanding voice. Then he continued,

"Leo it doesn't matter if your time got stolen or if your awakening age is 15 years, 5 more than the rest of us. But its certain your in a disadvantage this time."

Ryan interrupted with a cough, "Well it's not just 5 years of change, it seems like that person used the stolen time for his own. So.."

Xavier asked, " Stop making us wait, tell us what happened ?"

Ryan said:" It's that since he used that time it caused that person to be awakened at the age of 5 and by now he would be 15 the same age of Leo. Also, he might have prepared well using 10 years as an advantage."

"Hmmph. Well, it's just 10 years, we can beat that guy even if he has 20 more years than us."

"Well, I agree with Lucas this time. Haha, that man is just a power-hungry maniac. We will always win if we use our heads right."

"Yes, Alexander and Lucas are correct but we have to know our weakness so that we can turn it into our strength."

Hilton nodded at Xavier and he looked at Leo as he said, " Leo your situation is not fair, but life is never fair. It is always full of hardships. Only by overcoming them will you reach the path of success. Work hard but also work smart."

"We don't have much time, but the seven of us will each give you a gift and our memories. Although Lady Kaila is like that you will still get her memories, so don't hate her you will understand soon cause we are one."

As Hilton finished speaking, Arthur came forward first near Leo as he placed his right hand on Leo's heart and said: " I am the Martial God and I bestow you ..."

Soon Arthur started disappearing from his feet as he smiled and said:" See you later kid, we if reincarnate again as equals."

Next, Alexander came forward as he placed his right hand on top of Leo's head and said: " I am GodFather and I bestow you ..."

Then Alexander started disappearing from his feet like Arthur as he laughed and said:" Don't feel bad kid, Remember to always be smart and use your brain more."

After Alexander, it was Xavier that came forward as he placed his right hand on Leo's Eyes and said: " I am the Emperor and I bestow you ..."

Similarly, Xavier also disappeared as he said with a slight smile:" Kid grow stronger together with people because the peak is lonely."

Ryan laughed as he came forward as he placed his right hand on Leo's shoulder and said: " I am the Grand Magi and I bestow you ..."

Ryan laughed as he started disappearing from his feet as he smiled and said:" Every time I hate going through this, remember kid you must never leave your guard off."

Lucas with a cold gaze in his eyes came forward then he placed his right hand on Leo's Dantian and said: " I am the Immortal and I bestow you ..."

When Lucas almost disappeared his cold gaze slightly lessened, he said:" Don't let me see you next time with a loss kid, work hard for your family."

Hilton came before Leo as he placed his right hand on Leo's right hand and said: " I am the God Teacher and I bestow you ..."

Then Hilton hugged Leo as he started disappearing from his feet as he smiled and said:" We will wait for you Leo, always care for the people that follow you and help people that need it."

Charles came forward as he placed his right hand on Leo's Stomach and said: " I am the SuperNova and I bestow you ..."

Charles started disappearing from his feet as he gave out a smile and said:" Leo even though my brother is that person and he killed me, its all my fault if I think about it. I shone so brightly that I thought that I was the center of everything and that the world revolves around me. Take care of your family and don't be ignorant."

Leo didn't know why but tears slowly started coming from his eyes seeing them leave. He felt it might be the last time he saw them. Even the moment he spent with them was just an instance, in reality, it felt like years had gone by in that instant.

When the seven of them completely vanished, there was still the image of blurred lady Kaila their. So for some unknown reason, it seemed his instinct urged him to go near Kaila. Then he heard this sweet enchanting and motherly voice that almost made him sleep.

"Child, I spent 8 Lives to create this for you. Others don't know this, but this is the last time for each of us to meet. It's your fate to bear this responsibility."

"I am Kaila the God Mother, I bestow you ..... "

"Take care child, one day you will meet people who will betray you or you might lose your loved ones. But don't falter and don't stop and don't get discouraged. You need to forge ahead cause you are the last one. Farewell. "

When Leo saw her for the last time before she disappeared he was dumbstruck as he almost lost his breath away as the blurred image cleared up and he saw Kaila, she was the personification of beauty and she was like a goddess who descended on earth.