Balkan The Miner

Leo went to a corner of the village and started counting his profits from his adventure and the auction. He almost couldn't believe himself when he looked at credits on his account. 2,180,000C almost made his eyes pop out as he watched it in shock. But unknown to Leo he slowly and quickly accepted it as a thought appeared in his head saying what a measly amount.

As he calmed down he opened up his status to add all his remaining attribute points to agility to bring it up to 10. He was surprised to see his herb gathering at Level.3 cause he didn't notice it when he was picking herbs in a maniac style.

Finally when he looked at his gold being 5 which was probably the highest amount in the game right now made him smile with glee.

[Status: RegulusLight Level.5

Hp: 800

Mp: 575

Atk Dmg: 115-135

Strength: 5 + {10}+ (10 )

Agility: 10 + {10} + (30)

Constitution: 5 + {5} +(10)

Intelligence: 5 + {20} +(10)

Will: 5 + {15}

Luck: 1 + (10)

Defense: 60

Magic Defense:20

Magic Resistance -10%

Poison Resistance -10%

Innate Gift: Locked

Innate Talent 1: Bussinessman

Herb Gathering Level:3


1.Beginner Alchemist

Gold:5 Silver:60


Village Reputation +600.

Human Race Reputation +100

Fame +200

Storage Slots+50


Level 1. Power Strike- Strike at an enemy for double the damage and with a 10% chance dealing a critical hit.

Additional Effect: Notifies Player when a Sleathed Person is within 10 meters of him. Constantly Active uses up 10Mp on each notification.

Additional Effect: Notifies Player when a Sleathed Person is within 10 meters of him. Constantly Active uses up 10Mp on each notification.

Skill: Phase Walk-Blur into Surroundings and walk past an object with an increased movement speed of 50%. (Note: Effect Cancelled if taken damage or Given Damage.)

Effect1: Hides User's Personel Information from other players.

Effect 2: Users can hide equipment look and information or show false information.

Effect 3: The system will now ask for permission if the user wants to be anonymous.

Human Racial Talent :

1. Basic Learn

2. Friendly Reputation

3. Basic Potential]

Although his status looked pretty good for a Level.5 Player it didn't give him much hope to rise to the top of the game. he knew people from the various guilds and other famous people from past games will soon rise.

After making sure he didn't miss anything Leo made his way out of the village and this time turned towards the west making his way towards the Blackstone Mountains which was opposite to the Silicon Forest which was in the east.

Leo started on a jog as he maintained his stamina as he made his way towards the mountains. Although it looked like he was just jogging like a normal person, he slowly and subconsciously started integrating a few minute moments here and there as his breathing rhythm was also slowly changed.

When others looked at him it looked as if he was normally jogging across them but it was slowly getting faster as his jog made him cover small distances faster without wasting much stamina.

And on his way, there were several instances where he would have bumped into other players or monsters but he would always dodge them easily.

When he finally regained his mind back from the trance he found himself in front of the Blackstone mountains as he could see few players lingering below and fighting monsters on the plains.

Leo could understand these trance-like moments were helping him learn his movements and techniques of his past life as they helped him get accustomed to his current body.

Leo then made his way up the mountain and finally spotted a small clearing in where there were a few buildings. He made his way inside and slowly looked around the area. The most prominent building was a tavern and this place mostly looked like a rest spot for the miners and other mercenaries who hunted around the mountains.

Leo looked around and finally found Balkan the Miner after asking quite a few NPCs. Balkan was currently walking near the entrance of a cave that looked like an abandoned mining cave. He was pacing up and down near the cave with a worried look on his face.

Leo then went up to Balkan and asked with a smile, " Mr.Balkan is there anything I can do for you, I was sent by Taron. I am an adventurer."

Balkan looked around then scrutinized Leo sizing him up and down then sighed, "Mr.Light you came at the right time, I need your help."

[Quest: Rescue Bruno

1. Find and Rescue Bruno from the goblin cave. Time Left Till Bruno is Eaten (30 Minutes)

2. Kill the Goblin King.

Reward: Gold & Ore-Depends on the rating. Skill- Mineral Identification.]

Balkan then went on to describe how Bruno got caught by the goblins as he explained a silly scenario where they both made a bet on whoever gets drunk before the other has to venture 50 meters deep into the goblin cave.

And the is rest is as you can imagine. Bruno was caught as soon he was about 20 meters in as the goblins were about to go on a hunt and found their favorite food offering itself up to them.

Leo although wanted to laugh at these guys stupidity, but didn't because he knew how lifelike were their reactions in this game and with a sincere look bid farewell as he made his way inside the cave.

Leo fully equipped himself and unsheathed his sword as he went slowly deep into the cave looking around for any monsters that might jump on him.

Although the cave looked dark and had no light when looked from outside, as he ventured deep about 100 meters without any obstruction he could finally properly see due to crystals glowing around the walls of the cave. It gave him a sense of security as he could finally see properly.

Just when he was tense and vigilant, he saw a reflection of a green silhouette on one of the crystals.