22.Exploring Dawn Realm

Leo was still dizzy when he woke up and climbed out of the gaming capsule. His 8-hour limit was almost up and he had to get off anyway. But he was still bewildered and sad at the point that he didn't even know what killed him and the loss of a level.

Leo also wondered what that crack was in the cave, the portal which almost sent him to another area. He also missed that opportunity because of death. *Sighs*

Leo then made his way towards the kitchen to start making dinner and soon made some egg fries and sandwiches and vegetable soup by adding a few herbs in it.

The aroma trickles out and erza was the first to make her way towards the dining table and Ethan was next. They both looked expectantly for their brother's cooking which was always delicious.

They all settled down for a meal and had a great time together as Ethan narrated how he managed to reach level 4 after grinding monsters and even got an axe as his weapon from a treasure chest. He was so proud and was puffing up his chest until he heard Leo's story for the day.

Leo didn't hide anything and told everything that happened and how he is now level 6 and the huge amount of money earned that day. Which made them look at him in awe. They were so thrilled to listen to Leo's encounter that erza started gloating and laughed at Ethan on how he thought he was amazing and how her big brother was awesome.

Ethan laughed and ignored erza as he wanted Leo to continue to tell them what happened next. Leo told them everything until he died and disconnected from the game.

Leo then thought of something and asked Ethan whether he felt something from his cultivation and his improvement.

"Big Bro, I feel that I've reached the [Second Level of Flesh Tempering]."

Leo congratulated him and told him to work hard and improve himself. Leo was shocked because he thought him improving to [Third Level of Flesh Tempering] just after playing the game was something attributed to his past lives.

But this made him wonder whether playing the game somehow improved his cultivation. Although this was just a guess and might not really be true. He still needed to test a few things to know whether his guess can become a reality.

After dinner, Leo informed erza that tomorrow she can start playing the game together with them. As he had ordered a new capsule to arrive tomorrow morning which left erza wild with joy. She kept saying " Big Bro is the best."

After pacifying them and teaching Ethan more about the next levels of cultivation each of them went back to their rooms.

In his room, Leo went back to bed and started up his Holo Box which projects a hologram with facilities of a futuristic computer. Although this was the basic version, it still looked totally different from the ones in his past life.

Leo searched for some more sets of herbs and even ordered quite a few sets enough to help him Ethan and erza breakthrough till [Third Level of Blood & Meridian Refining]. Ordering that much herbs cost him about 600,000C. But he knew that he needed to buy these stuff as it will refine their bodies to be able to see bullets clearly, but its no use seeing bullets as the guns that are used nowadays are laser powered or even more powerful than lasers.

Looking at his account balance which still had 1,570,000 which was a huge sum. This left a smile on his face as this could cover both of the educational fees of Ethan and Erza.

Leo started cultivating and tried to absorb the heaven and earth energy around him. Even if it little with accumulation he could gradually cultivate.

After a night of cultivation, Leo sighed at the poor environment of his current planet as there wasn't much improvement to him. He left the bed and started to go train with Ethan for the morning routine.

The new gaming capsule was delivered, then after settling the procedures and other formalities and syncing erza with her capsule and teaching her how to login the game and other safety procedures it was already time for breakfast.

After a healthy breakfast Leo, Ethan, and Erza started the game and Leo made sure to ask for Ethan's name which was [StarWarrior]. Leo made sure they will add each other and told Ethan to find Erza.

Leo then made sure both of them properly logged in and finally went to his own capsule as he lied down and booted the system as he heard the familiar voice.

[Launching Celestial World ...]

Leo's vision blurred as he finally gained his vision along with some distant roars, Leo was confused and thought he would be respawning back at the village respawn point. But these thoughts soon cleared as he heard a new system announcement.

[Player RegulusLight has found the Dawn Realm. As the first person to find the Dawn Realm Player gets 2x Exp and Drop Rates.]

Leo focused and figured out that even though he died he was respawning in this dawn realm because he entered it and also that he did die once due to his level dropping back to level 6. Thankfully he didn't drop any of his equipment.

Then Leo carefully looked around and found himself in front of a forest which was actually a gigantic version of it as the vegetation was twice as big as normal. He could also hear the roars of monsters from far away.

Leo suddenly heard a voice calling out to him. It was calling him towards the forest. When he looked around he didn't find anyone or anything that could be the owner of the voice.

Leo looked behind him saw the giant monster roaming in a far distance as he could hear their roars till here. He didn't have any misgivings for turning his back to the giant monsters and he made his way inside the forest.