30. Eve

ScreamingBlade looked at Leo and thought to himself, even though the man before him killed his subordinates he might not kill him as he had recognized him. Maybe that's why he had sheathed his swords. Although he swore to get revenge for this humiliation, he knew now was not the right time since the enemy was overwhelmingly strong.

ScreamingBlade soon calmed down and looked straight at Leo and smirked as he said, " Looks like you have finally recognized our symbol. But you have to give us an explanation for this otherwise be prepared for DarkBeasts Vengence."

Seeing the enemy being quiet ScreamingBlade got more arrogant as he snorted "Who are you? Why are you targeting us?"

Leo looked at the comical display of ScreamingBlade and snickered as he thought that these idiots would always want a mile if you give them an inch. With his hand still holding the hilt of LightBringer Leo FlashStepped as he arrived behind ScreamingBlade and used the SwordDraw technique.

Although SwordDraw wasn't a game skill it was as combat technique from reality. Such skills can be used by the players in the game. And SwordDraw was one of the Intermediate Combat techniques mastered in reality by a swordsman.

But when put in the game it becomes a Great technique that players can use without the consumption of mana. It can be used infinitely until the player's stamina and mental drain lasts them.

Using a standard Level 5 Player as a basis his stats won't let them use techniques yet. And most players can only use combat techniques after they get their class after Level.10.

And even expert players can only use combat techniques a few times before they get their class. Which might leave them out of stamina soon and they will only use it when it is crucial for survival.

Leo being the exception due to him being the First Inheritor. The thing is that Leo didn't know that and thought he could only use these techniques inside the game due to his past lives.

Stamina being a hidden attribute is hard to increase like the other hidden attributes and Leo could only perform this much better due to him being special in the game.

What Leo didn't know was that combat techniques were always being used by the top tier players in the previous games since a decade back. And most top players could use the techniques.

And what the world knew was that in previous games players could only use combat techniques till the intermediate tier and even a few advanced combat techniques that were used in the game were due to special circumstances.

But Celestial World is different from the previous games as players could use advanced techniques as soon as they reach (Rank 2). And there were even higher-tiered techniques hidden in the game for the players to find and master. This is a piece of information even the top guild echelon didn't know about.

So when Leo killed Screaming Blade using SwordDraw a new report about him was registered about in the AI Registry.

Yes, Leo was already registered as a person of interest with Mid-Level Priority because of him being the First Inheritor. And this instance of him fully comprehending and using an Intermediate Combat technique raised his level to a High-Level Priority Target.

Combat techniques were Categorized as Basic - Intermediate - Advanced Techniques. There were even better ones which were not at all used before in any of the previous games. When Leo comprehended and used SwordDraw for the first time in-game it was just the Basic Version of the Technique. And when Leo used it against ScreamingBlade it had evolved into the Intermediate Technique. This led to rising his priority in the AI System.

Celestial World was ruled solely by the AI Named - Eve. Eve is responsible for the future profession of the game for 10 years to go and no one even the ones who developed the AI have any right to tamper or modify its content.

Eve has the right to direct the flow of the game and that's why the Quest: Unite was changed to Quest: Combine. Eve controls the timeline and the direction of the future which will be influenced by the players.

All the Inheritors are Low-Level Priority Targets and only Leo has jumped up to High-Level in such a short time.

The current AI Eve was the manifestation of all the knowledge and hard work of countless people and even its developers from Grant Corporation have no right to change it once the game has started.

So everything in the game was being monitored and altered accordingly by Eve influenced by the player's actions.

Due to Eve's Protocols, no information leaks of the game were allowed and the identity of the players is confidential unless the players themselves show it. This was maintained to ensure security for the players.

Leo didn't know his priority got updated to High-Level, better yet he didn't even know he was being closely monitored by Eve. ScreamingBlade never knew what hit him since he was talking to the masked player who killed his subordinates and when that player vanished for a second so did his vision.

[Player has Killed ScreamingBlade.]

[Player has Killed Many People. Crime-Value Changed from Neutral to Hostile. You are now a criminal. People in the village are hostile to you. Other players can attack you at will.]

[Due to the Player's Reputation Crime-Value Changed to Not Friendly.]

[Not Friendly - NPC will attack you if provoked.]

Leo looked at the notification and frowned at this but ignored it since he was not going back to the village and his Red Name due to being Hostile was changed to a Light Red color. Leo then picked up the loot he gained from killing ScreamingBlade and his Group and was disappointed.

For all the hype they were shouting due to being members of DarkBeasts. They didn't even drop a piece of good equipment and just the normal White ones were dropped. At least they gave him 10 Silver which was a lot when compared to the Main Stream Players.