32. Region Boss

Looking at the boss the three of them got ready for battle, Erza and Ethan were a little intimidated by the boss and the pressure that was building upon them. But when they saw Leo shielding them from the front to protect them they suddenly felt relieved as Leo started subconsciously started releasing his killing intent towards to boss to counter its pressure.

Leo instructed them to stay alive and do damage whenever they can and that he will take care of the rest. When the boss was about 20 meters he was able to look at its information after he used [Inspect],

[Fierce Wind Tiger King Level.10 - Region Boss

HP: 50000

MP: 5000

Description - Boss of a Region. It is now enraged that you have killed its people. Special Boss.

Skills: ????? (Inspect Skill Level Low)]

Looking at its skills made Leo frown as he couldn't prepare for it. Now he was fighting the unknown. Leo still readied his battle stance as he held the hilt of his sword.

He was not much worried about Ethan and Erza because during this period of grinding he had been teaching them the best way to conserve their stamina and positioning skills he had learning during all his past lives. Since they were only about to damage and he was going to tank the boss it didn't matter much.

He was only concerned by the High HP. And possibly the skills the boss had been probably related to wind. Which means it might have long-range skills. And this was proved as soon as the boss reached about 10 meters as it started the battle by unleashing a WindBlade at Leo.

With that as the start of the battle, Leo began with a SwordDraw as he dodges past the WindBlade and Slashed at the FrontPaw which the boss wasn't able to dodge as a big red -1000 damage was done on it.

Leo smirked and dodged the incoming swipe of its other paw by using FlashStep to go behind the boss and unleashed the 3 consecutive strikes along with a LightSlash which each dealt -500 for a total of -2000HP.

The boss was startled at little due the damage as it roared and let out a TailSwipe at Leo which was dodged by Leo with a roll. The boss then appeared before Leo to unleash another swipe which was parried by Leo as he unleashed a PowerStrike to deal another chunk of damage as another -500 appeared on the boss.

Leo didn't receive any damage from the parry due to his high stats. If it was any other normal player then he would have been blown off or at least received high damage. This boss was made to be raided by a guild or a large number of players.

But due to Leo's OP stats, he was able to hold his ground and even damage the boss in the process. The boss let out some more WindBlades at Leo which were either dodged or parried to offset the damage.

During this period, Erza and Ethan also started barraging the bosses with multitudes of skills at their disposal. Each of Erza's Fire Spells took out -250 to -500 damage while Ethan with his dual Axes was causing wounds to appear on the boss as he did greater damage to the boss.

While they were each doing great amounts of damage Leo was the one holding the boss's aggro because he was doing more than -500 with each hit. This battle which was supposed to take most of the big guilds in the village to kill was being played with by 3 children.

Although the boss had high hp and awesome skills, it was locked depending on the number of people attacking the boss. The Wind Tiger King had a few teamwipe AoE skills. But they were locked because of the number of players attacking the boss were only 3.

With its skills shackled and its foes being skillful and annoying made the boss unable to properly retaliate and miserable. It wasn't long before it was brought down to 20% HP and entered the [Enraged Mode]. With its Increased Attack Speed and Damage, the boss tried its best to kill Leo but alas it was still toyed with.

[Player has Slain Fierce Wind Tiger King.]

[Player has Leveled Up to 10.]

[Do you wish to hide the party member's name for the announcement?Yes/No]

Leo was glad he reached level 10 after finally killing the boss, and it was not only him as even Erza and Ethan had leveled up to 10 due to the enormous amount of experience granted by the boss. Leo chose to hide the party member's name from the announcement.

[System Region Announcement: Player *****, Player *****, and Player ***** have slain the region boss Fierce Wind Tiger King. Rewarding: Human Race Reputation +100, Fame +100. Gold +5]

[System Northern Continent Announcement: Player *****, Player *****, and Player ***** have slain the region boss Fierce Wind Tiger King. Rewarding: Human Race Reputation +100, Fame +100. Gold +5, DarkGold Treasure Chest +1]

[System World Announcement: Player *****, Player *****, and Player ***** have slain the region boss Fierce Wind Tiger King. Rewarding: Human Race Reputation +100, Fame +100. Gold +5, DarkGold Treasure Chest +1]

[System World Announcement: Player ***** has Reached Level 10. Rewarding: Human Race Reputation +200, Fame +100. Gold +10, Artifact Key]

[System World Announcement: Beta Phase Level Cap Reached. Conditions Met to Upgrade World. Please Log Out in 10 Minutes for System Upgrade. Upgrade Time: 3Days]

The trio was flabbergasted by the series of announcements made by the system as they looked at the different rewards. Although all three of them reached level 10 with Leo being the one who leveled up a split second before Erza and Ethan made him the first player to reach Level 10.

Looking at the rewards and the counter for 10 minutes ticking in front of them. Made them realize what had happened. And when they thought back to the fanfare made by the Boss when it died with a Golden Glow made them overjoyed.