First Love Fight

Mark's Pov:

Anna explained everything to Mona. In-between, Mona looked at me, I closed my mouth with one of my hands to control my laugh…

Mona: "So you got scared when your cable car stopped...?"

Anna: "Yes Mona, I am worried about Mark, What if something bad happened to him?"

(Her tone was shivering. I am shocked and looked at her face and her eyes are filled with tears...

Is she worried about me..?

Even though I see tears in her eyes, I feel elated because of her love towards me. I don't think she took my words very seriously. I try to console her...)

Mark: "it's ok Anna..."

(Anna immediately hugged me and started crying. I fee; very sorry when she is crying.)

Mona: "Anna, it's ok..."

(Mona looked at me in a serious grin...)

Mona: "Anna, the news, what Mark said is not real..."

(Anna immediately loosens her hug and turned to Mona...")

Anna: "What...?"

Mona: "And the auto repair story is Fake Anna.."

(Mona immediately turned to me with a serious note...)

Mona: "There are limits for teasing, Mark..."

(I controlled my laugh, and I understand the situation is going to be worst...)

Mark: "I don't know, Anna will take it more seriously..."

Anna: "You played with my emotions, Mark..."

(Anna said loudly in a serious tone. This is the first time I faced her like this. She is furious...

I don't want to hurt her, so I try to convince her but she shouted at me by pointing with her index finger on my face and take back steps to move away from me and turned to Mona...)

Anna: "Let's go, Mona, it's a Girl's outing and we no need to wait for anyone..."

(When they are about to leave, Tom ran to us, and gave a bundle of photos to Anna. She looked at 2-3 photos, I understand they are the snaps in a cable car. I beat my forehead because Tom is going to make the situation more messier...

After a few seconds, Anna turned to me with the most serious face and threw the photos on my face...)

Anna: "Enjoy with the proof of prank, Mark"

(I am shocked for her reaction but I didn't get angry because she is worried because of me and I feel I should not tease her like this. After a few seconds, I looked at Tom in a serious note for the mess he made, he still closed his mouth with his hands in shock. We both laughed at each other and started collecting all the pictures fell on the snow...

Tom: "Hey Mark, What happened...?"

Mark: "Nothing Tom, My first love fight..."

(We both laugh again and collected the pictures...)

Mark: "Do you know who is the villain to my love story..?"

Tom: Who..?

Mark: "it's Mona..."

Tom: What..?

Now you are blaming my girl for your tricks, huh..?

(He tried to support Mona...)

Mark: "She is my sadistic friend before your girl..."

(We both looked at them, they are far away. Mona turned her face towards us and waved her hand to follow them...)

Mark: "But Mona is my caretaker too..."

(I hold the pictures and ran towards them, Tom in confusion followed me. We spoke nothing and we are following them behind like puppies. All of us walk silently on the snow path.)

Tom: "Hey Mark, Look at that, Its "Go carting""

Mark: "let's go, girls..."

(Tom and I are pointing them towards the Go carting board, they look at the board and silently followed me and Tom. Both Mona and Anna sat on the bench, meanwhile, Tom and I take the tickets...

I looked at Anna, she is looking at her fingers and still in a grim mood. We didn't insist them for the ride because if I give some time, she feels better and by looking at the right time I will definitely say sorry, But she looks so cute with her cute pout face with shivering lips...

(Author's note:

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