Where is my Gift..?

Marks POV:

I understand the entire plot of the second room...

We should reach the door through the ropes by holding Jigsaw puzzle cards...

I can easily manage with myself by holding the cards, but I am not sure that Anna can handle to pass through the ropes by her own...

She may fall on the oil and grease, so it's better if she holds me, I can take her to that door...

But if she knows the plan, she may not accept to hold me because it troubles me...

So I should play a quick act before she understands about the plan, I hurry her to hug me; she didn't know why I am asking for the hug...

But she followed my countdown and hugged me...

I warned her to don't leave me, and I immediately take a short jump and hold the rope and finally I succeed...

I went to the first jigsaw card, when I am trying to untie the rope, Anna holds me by wrapping her legs around my waist...