Is it Lucus..?

Marks POV:

I feel very bad when I looked at the room boy on the bed with the bandages on his body, and it's just because of me he is in this critical position, if I untie him in the morning, he will lead a happy life, but I don't have another choice, we have a very short time to implement our plan to catch those bastards so for the safety of Anna I should tie his hands...

But I am happy that he is conscious now, So I immediately asked him, "Tell me, who tried to kill you..?"

Room boy: "It's your room boy, Sir."

(My mind was blank when I heard his answer, What he just said? 

Our room boy?

Why he tried to attack him..?

Maybe be there is a chance that there are personal issues between them..?

It's better to take the clarity from him, so I asked him about the same.)

Mark: "Why he wants to attack you? Are there any personal issues between you..?"