Investigating The Manager

Anna's POV:

My mind was blank when I heard from Tom that our rooms and luggage were disturbed.

What they are looking for?

And they attempted to murder this poor room boy just because to not to reveal any clue to us for what they are looking for.

Where it started actually...

The first incidence is attacking on Mona...

Is there any chance that my brother's friends may leave something accidentally while attacking Mona?

And Mona said they tried to video shoot her when they rip her top....

Is there any chance they may leave their phone or something shooting device?

But we find only one hand glove.

What else can it be?

It's better to check our rooms once again; we may find any clue...

But why Mona's room got disturbed, as far as I know, my brother's friends didn't go to Mona's room, So it might be another thing they are searching for, whatever it's better to check our rooms once again is the best option we have.