Handling the situation

Marks POV:

My mind was blank when I looked at Anna, how she comes here all of a sudden, and how she knows about the car driver..?

Then I recognize Mona stand beside Anna...

So these two girls may get the information from the cops, but how dare they come here directly without informing us...

Whatever it is, they are safe now, and they take a daring step to save the girl...

But how they got the pistol?

I slightly move my head aside to look at the pistol, and I am shocked by looking at her hand.

Anna just pointed her index finger and pretending that she holds the gun to save the girl...

Now I feel mixed emotions...

I can't control my laugh by looking at her pistol prank...

And I am scared that she is in the danger zone with the murderer...

And feel proud of my Anna's dare actions to save the girl...

Most importantly, I like her spontaneous actions...