Red Roses Bouquet

John's Pov:

"Why are you leaving suddenly..?"

(I don't know why Genie suddenly gets up from the bed by taking my dick out from her pussy and busy in putting on her clothes...)

Genie: I got Mark's schedule, and he is coming to the office in an hour, So I should be there.

John: what?

Why he comes to his office in this midnight..?

Genie: you really drive me crazy with your sex, but I never thought you enjoy more than I do...

John: what do you mean..?

Genie: what I mean is you forget what's the time now and still thinks it's midnight by involving sex with me...

John: what..?

What's the time now..?

(I am shocked by Genie's words and get up immediately and looked at my phone to check the time and it's around 8 a.m.)

John: What the Fuck...

(I get up immediately and put on my clothes more hurriedly than Genie because I said Jack that I would be at his room in an hour...

Now, it's morning...