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Mark's Pov:

After I had my breakfast, I started to office in my car and thinking about Rubeus uncle...

Why didn't he have his food?

Is he really sick for Ria's death?

Or he is doing drama to get close to me?

I am sure Nanny is hiding something; she is about to say something to me but stopped by looking at Anna, who stands behind me, and Anna acted very normal and never again asked me about my uncle...

I feel normal if my uncle leaves now or else I will again fall under his fake love trap and worried again if he left me again with no reason...

In between my thoughts, I reached my office and went to my office room and started doing my work...

And nearly at lunchtime, I got a message from Mona, "how's Alex?"

I make a call to her, the moment she lifted my call, she is shouting at me...

Mona: Mark, why don't you messaged me after you take Alex from baby care center...

You know how worried I am?