Ready made wedding dress...

Mark's POV:

Getting this project is like my dream come true, now I should work hard more till I finished it and I am sure after my presentation they will definitely sanction my project...

Anna is really a lucky charm in my life. She is responsible for all the good things happening to me, she always brings the bliss towards me with her cute smile. In between my thoughts, I hugged her more tightly as a thank you for her congratulations... 

She chuckled with happiness for the good news…)

Mark: Anna, do you remember?

You helped me when I am finalising this project quotation…

Anna: Me?

Mark: On the day when you prepare the strawberry dessert for the first time, which is exclusively eaten by me, and you bought it into my office with a sudden surprise. Do you remember on the same day after our lunch you helped me with some office work?

Anna: Yes, Mark, I still remember the concepts you explained to me…