Is it coffee?

Genie's Pov:

Actually, my mind is struck with many questions, I didn't understand why Mark is very angry?

And who might be the third person who is travelling with us..?

Is it that bitch Anna?

If it is that bitch, all my plans will get spoiled...

What she is thinking of herself?

Does she think she needs to sleep with Mark even though he is on a business trip?

If in that case I never got a chance to sleep with Mark and that bitch will never give me a chance to get closer to Mark...

What should I do now?


I should plot a plan, and at least I should ruin their privacy or I should create a scene that Mark will give more importance to me than that Anna...

I should plan in such a way that I should move more close to Mark.

How can I get a good plan to implement my strategy? 


He will help me with a good plan, but he declared that he is not interested to help me with revenge plans…