You can't separate me and Anna...

Mark's Pov:

I feel extremely relieved when Daniel agreed to stay outside of my room, and I am sure he agreed by looking at Genie, Whatever, I got some free time to do work peacefully, and in a few seconds I got busy in my work and yes, as Mona cautioned me, I didn't allow Genie to enter into my work and I am doing it on myself without her help. 

After a portion of the work done, I called to Tom to know whether everything is okay or not...

Tom: Hello Mark...

Mark: Hi Tom, everything okay?

Tom: No...

Not at all...

Mark: Why?

What happened?

Tom: Because Mona again started ignoring me...

(I chuckled after listening to him and feel relieved that it's not a dangerous thing.)

Tom: Don't laugh at me, Mark, I am saying the truth and do you know how it feels when your ignores you?

Mark: Actually, I didn't yet face it, Tom, Okay, tell me, what happened?