Deal for another session?

Genie's Pov:

After a few seconds, he pulled me more close to him and cuddled me very caressingly and I placed my head on his abbs and I am enjoying by listening to his heartbeat, it feels so great and I feel eternally happy...

Till now we did many times of sex rounds but every time I feel so happy and I feel so much pleasure and the pleasure is not only restricted physically but it also gives mental pleasure for the first time in my life, I feel so relieved...

In this short time, he really showed me different styles of caring towards me while doing sex and at the end of every sex round, I like it when he is caressing me; I feel like he is giving respect to me where no men in my life treated me in such a way...

Actually, I feel like I am getting close to him from minute to minute, it's really a weird feeling and I didn't understand why he loves me...

Is he loving me just because by looking at my body and boobs?