Keep trust on Tom's interrogation

Anna's POV:

Anna: No, Mona, after he holds my neck with the chains he told me in my ear that he is not going to harm me...

Mona: Ok...

Anna: I don't know that he is waiting to escape from the prison and I don't know I will be his bait to escape but I am sure he did everything out of the dilemma, he doesn't mean to hurt me.

Mona: But the thing is he crossed his line and dared to take your life to escape from the prison, Anna, that's what happened in reality...

Anna: But Mona...

Mona: You fell unconscious for the pressure he kept on your throat, Anna, and you are not in a position to take a breath, and if Mark is not on time we can't even imagine what might happen to you, luckily, you are safe with the help of Mark.

You don't know how much stress we take for his cruel acts did on you...

You can't imagine how much Mark worried about you when you fell unconscious...