It must be John's trap...

Anna's Pov:

Lucas: I request Jack to take care of John's friends too and luckily he accepted. But unfortunately, they got caught by the cops in your Grindelwald trip. 

Tom: You just said Jack will take such good care then how can he plan such a stupid trap on us in our Grindelwald trip to attack Anna?

Does he think we can't save her?

Lucas: Jack does not know that they are going to that Grindelwald city and he didn't plan any attack on Anna.

Tom: What do you mean?

You said all of you are under his custody then how come he doesn't know about those 3 guys?

Lucas: Jack is busy with his other work and missed to monitor them and they got caught by the time we know about their whereabouts but we still did not find why they want to attack Anna and we are confused by thinking about how they know about you people are going on Grindelwald trip...