Details of John's trap...

Anna's Pov:

Lucas: As far as I know, John trapped Jack in the name of honeymoon before their wedding and requested him to go for a honeymoon to enjoy life...

Tom: Okay, what are his intentions behind going for a trip..?

Lucas: He is in need of a Visa and passport to escape from this country so he requested Jack to arrange a set of fake Visa and passports and there must be some hidden trap behind his journey plan with Jack in the name of honeymoon because he can trap for visa and passport by plotting some other plan other than a honeymoon plan. He hates to share a bed with Jack then why he will plot a honeymoon plan?

Tom: Maybe he wants to gain more trust from Jack so it will get easy for him to get the things done...

Lucas: Yes...

What are the things he wants to get done with the help of Jack?