Its John...

Mark's Pov:

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I checked the contact name and it is Tom...

I immediately got alerted by sitting on the bed very eagerly because he might call me to inform me about the CCTV footage. I did not wait for one more second and immediately responded to his call.

Tom: Hi Mark...

Mark: Hi Tom, did you find any clue about the case?

Did you find who is that person?

Tom: Yes Mark...

Mark: Who is that?

(I asked him with my rising eager tone by walking near to the window.)

Tom: What we guess is right, Mark, it's John...

(I am shocked and my rage got hyper the moment I listened to him and I did not expect it is John, because somewhere I felt it might be the hidden person's trap and he intentionally place John's bracelet on the ground to mislead us from the case, but now, after knowing that it is John I feel so confused and in dilemma.)

Mark: What?

Are you sure, Tom?