Chapter 79

Clark did not know if this was a cruel prank by Nancy or something but he was also too shy and afraid to ask the reason behind this mystery already.

After getting a string of hammer truths earlier, perhaps it was not in his best interest to delve much deeper into the system's motivations.

At least, it would be wise to save this question down for another day.

'Shit! Even my broken foot did not hurt this much at all!' Clark complained in silence as he awaited the slow response from his good Patriarch.

"That is not what i meant, Lu Chen. I am glad to see you are alive and well. My Lu Clan will be even more stronger with you in our ranks!"

The Patriarch responded cleverly and stepped closer towards the seemingly injured man.

Although he had made a terrible slip up in his first meeting with Lu Chen but this old goat was much too well trained in the art of politics and knew that it was useless to mope much longer for his shortcomings.