Chapter 111

'How could they do that to themselves?!'

Clark wondered and he really could not think of any good reason that would justify whatever cruelty these crazy people were doing upon their own bodies.

He would have pondered upon it more but alas, his silent musings were cut off before he could ever branch out further conjectures with what little imagination he had left in the moment.

It was at this time that He Shun finally wished for a quick conclusion in this afternoon affair.

"Now it's time for me to claim my prize! Catch them all for me, boys! And be sure to take good care of the ladies.

I don't want to see my goods get damaged before I can truly enjoy them in my arms." He Shun, the leader of the Bloodmight Faction, directed the men and women under him into action.

"Yes, boss!"

"You can count on us, boss!"

"Don't you worry about anything, boss!"