Chapter 130

The heavens and earth were shrouded into chaos as four inhuman sources of bottomless energy duked it out in the open.

Our overpowered protagonist flew into the fray and was so fearless amidst the onslaught of three True Immortals against him today.

The aura he released took the color of darkness while Twilight Moon exuded a lavender light in her person. Snow Frost and Crazy Monkey had a white and brown shades respectively.

But even in their differences, there was one thing that made them all similar.

Every single one of their eyes were glowing the familiar radiant tinge of gold that separated them pretty much from their mortal lineages.

The four stood and fought like the very gods and goddesses that created them in the first place.

Although everyone of them were having an unmatched and domineering presence about their forms but the outcome of the battle could not have been more disappointing when the dust finally settled in the aftermath.