Chapter 137

"So this is how it feels like to be missed. I kind of like it already." Our bored gamer murmured in the long lustrous hair of the beautiful lady that captured him in her arms.

Not that our bored gamer detested the feeling.

Far from that in fact because very different than how he was initially making himself scarce when this lovely lady was around him, our boy protagonist was much more welcoming of her advances tonight.

The trip of one eternity and back had taught him many things about himself.

One of those was of course how to cherish the present moment because life was supposed to be lived in that way.

Learning from the past and not fearing what imagined demons tomorrow might deliver before him. As such, Clark had more than unshackled himself from his minor hesitations from the past.

"I'm just happy so happy to see that you're okay and unharmed, Clark."