Chapter 140 "Take me, Clark. I am yours."

The night should have been cold but the scene inside one particular chamber on the Demonic Sword Sect was anything but cold.

The chilly frost of the temporal atmosphere within this secret realm was not far different from the real world outside and the same was also true to the atmosphere within the room where Clark and Wan Fei has currently set ablaze with their combined emotions.

Alas, the distinction ended there because where the silence of the outside world stopped, the mixed moans and heated caress roamed freely present between two mature souls.

"You taste as sweet as i had imagined you would be, Wan Fei." Our bored gamer said after their first kiss halted upon the twentieth beat of the clock.

He could have easily accessed this woman's treasure during that time but held himself in line and only took the liberty of conquering Wan Fei's succulent lips.