Chapter 201 Reunion of Guns and Roses

'It seems like i have to meet some new people soon enough. Tsk. Tsk. How did I ever forget her in the first place? Must be that i'm showing my real age already.

Or is this a reasonable effect of all the mind suffering I underwent when I broke a piece of my soul to form a Soul Fragment in two consecutive times.

A mental degradation perhaps? Hmmm...' Clark mused while he was busy walking unto the venue.

He was of course referring to the Primal Warden Lin Che whom he had forgotten in his haste to experiment with his abilities. Alas, there would be a consequence for that.

Clark just knew that it would only complicate his life even more than it already was. In the end, he thought about his fake uncles in the sect and wondered where they were right now.

"Much has changed but much has also remained the same." Our bored gamer concluded when he realized what had happened to the two elders of the Demonic Sword Sect. They were gone.