Chapter 203 Dance For Me

"I'm happy to know that you have spent your time well indeed, Lai Peng.

With such women at your side, i doubt that you even had a single day of loneliness pass before you in the last one hundred years."

Clark smiled at his old servant who already had almost 2 dozen wives with him today.

The girls were pretty like all the cultivators in the place and it appeared that Old Peng knew how to take care of his own harem well.

The women were happy and seemed satisfied with their man which settled the worries in our bored gamer's heart also.

If someone deserved to be happy, Old Peng was certainly one of those lucky men in line.

"This is all because of your benevolence, master." Old Peng stood up and bowed and the rest of his women followed their show of gratitude towards the man at the main seat of the table.

This was of course none other than our very own protagonist.