Chapter 210 Heavenly Treasure

"What the hell happened to me?" Clark murmured as he was groggy with the forced sleep that afflicted his person.

He did not know how long he had been asleep and even his natural abilities as a bona fide True Immortal was impaired at the moment.

He could not even use his divine sense to determine what was happening outside the comforts of his own room.

But after a few breaths elapsed, the memories before he was knocked out on the bed came rushing back at him in droves.

There was a bitter sour taste in his mouth and he almost puked on the spot when he remembered the clay brick that jumped so eagerly at his throat.

"FUCK ME! How could this happen to me?!

I've made my mistakes but to be cursed by one fucking Elder God before and to now suffer the same dire fate in the hands of a fucking clay brick of all things, this can't simply be called fair already!