Chapter 291

Tom did not expect what happened after he opened the spell matrix. He looked into his soul and found chains were binding a black sphere.

He assumed it was the Darkness element that he had assimilated. Its essence was restricted but it clearly resided inside his soul.

"What are the chances of undergoing through that again, Alena." Tom planned to acquire all 7 elements. He was not afraid of the pain. But it was better to know beforehand to prepare himself of what was to come.

"1%, Sovereign Immovable. The spell matrix has already formed on your soul. Adding more elements will be easy." Alena answered Tom.

"Good to hear that." Tom said in relief. He then proceeded to get all elements. After 30 minutes, 7 different colored spheres could be seen inhabiting his soul. All of them were encased by golden chains. The system was correct on its calculation. The elements that followed into his soul were pain free for him.

Their colors were

Fire – red