Chapter 434 Six Angels

"Good morning, master!"

"Your disciples greet you!" A group of nerds bowed respectfully in place. Our bored gamer could only smile at his friends' particular fancy for role play.

"My good disciples are polite. Follow your master and let me teach you how to win the hearts of a million fairies and more!"

Clark declared out loud and began this Monday morning with a great laugh or two. Deep inside, he only had one wish though.

'Please let this day be as ordinary as the ones before.'

The first subjects passed in a very expected manner. Recess break came and Clark took a breath of relief when Luna did not call for him at this time.

She and her group of overpowered girl friends kept to themselves and would giggle in good intervals that would attract the attention of every soul nearby.

Most especially them boys. What was only unnerving was how the girls would sometimes look at our avid gamer's way and then giggle some more in the aftermath.